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Tupac Shakur

"Did you drive here?"I turned around to ask as we reached the edge of the parking lot.

"No, I started to but I changed my mind. My bodyguard brought me."She responded, briefly letting go of my hand.

"Oh aight. Do you need to call him or something?"I asked.

She nodded her head implying that she didn't need to call him and led her to my car and opened the door for her.

She climbed into my hummer and clicked her seatbelt and I closed the door to go hop in the passenger seat.

"Did you do any work on your album today?"I asked, pressing my key into the ignition.

"Yeah, I only recorded one song though. I've just been doing the writing process. I haven't really been feeling my writing lately."She sighed, resting here head on the palm of her hand.

"There really hasn't been anything going on in my life to write about honestly."She pouted and took really deep breath.

"I know it ain't. Cuz you lame."I chuckled, looking at her from the corner of my eye to see her reaction.

"Shut up."she rolled her eyes and looked down at her braids as if something was wrong with them.

I drove us to a little abandoned parking lot that I knew of. Honestly I didn't really have anything "fun" in mind, I just could tell she wasn't really having a good time and thought she would have a better time talking to me.

Besides, people have the best conversations in parked cars.

"What's on your mind?"I asked, noticing the expression on her face. As if something was bothering her.

"A lot. I don't wanna bore you. Besides, I'm lame anyway."She chuckled, shrugging her shoulders.

"What you having problems with ya mans or something and I asked, so obviously I want to know."I laughed, sticking my hand in my jacket pocket.

"No Tupac, I'm single."she laughed, finally looking up and making eye contact with me.

"I thought ol' ese that was on set with you was ya man?"I acknowledged, because that was the reason I never seriously flirted with her because I thought she was taken.

"Who Rene? That's not my boyfriend. We're just friends."She waved her hand, letting me know that he wasn't important.

"He used to be, but we agreed to stay friends. He's been making things so awkward between us, you know trying to make us get back together and I really really don't want that."She crossed her arms and started tapping her foot against my carpet.

"You don't mind if I smoke do you? I ain't mean to cut you off, I'm listening."I stated, searching my pockets for a lighter.

"Please don't. I hate the smell of cigarettes."She replied, with a rather disgusted look on her face as if she was reminiscing on the smell.

"Who said I was about to smoke a cigarette? That's just a cover up for what I'm really doing."I chuckled taking the spliff (blunt, joint, etc.) out of my pocket and put it under my nostrils to smell it.

"Well, go ahead. It's your car."She chuckled.

Finally, I found my lighter in the glove box, but decided against lighting it up, because Janet might not like the smell.

"I want to know more about you. Other than the things everyone knows. You barely say anything when all of us are talking."I said turning in my seat to face her.

"Most of the time I'm just listening. You guys are so funny, but what do you want to know?"She asked so candidly, like she was comfortable with me. If she was we've came a long way, because when we first started filming she wouldn't even speak to me.

Janet Jackson

I stared up at him awaiting his response to my question. I'd started to look at him differently now that we're alone. He had never been more attractive to be then this very moment.

"Why you single? No disrespect, but you're a beautiful woman. Where your man?"he asked, licking his lips.

He looked at me as if he was either staring into my soul or undressing me with his eyes.

"Well thank you, but I just didn't want to be with him anymore and nobody has been interested in me I guess."I chuckled, shrugging my shoulder lightly.

"How you know? He could be right under your nose."He responded in a husky low voice.

"I don't know if I'm ready to be with someone yet. I'm not really confident enough to be with someone right now."I sighed, fidgeting with my braids in my hand.

I couldn't believe I even said that to him. I didn't usually talk about this, people just always assumed that I was confident.

"What you mean not confident? You think that you ugly or something?"He raised his voice as if he was shocked or dissatisfied with my answer.

"Sometimes. I just- I don't know. I just don't find myself attractive."I replied, instantly regretting my statement because I didn't know what he'd say.

He remained quiet and started to feel around his pocket, looking for something. He took the same cigarette or whatever it was that he was smelling out of his pocket and lit it up.

He then put it to his lips and took about five long puffs before putting it out.

He then turned to to face me in the passenger seat and placed one of his hands on the side of my face.

He then pulled my face into his and gave me a long, lingering kiss as if he was trying to relish the moment.

We've kissed before, but this was different. We weren't in character. We weren't kissing as Lucky and Justice. This was us, the real us.

I closed my eyes and kissed him back, because I loved the way his lips felt on mine. They were so soft and not too big.

Finally he pulled back.

With my eyes still closed I took a breath. I wasn't ready to look at him yet. This was so awkward.

I turned away from him before opening my eyes.

"I think you're beautiful Janet."he whispered, still close to my ear.

"It's getting late. I think you should take me home. Y-you know we have to film tomorrow."I stuttered, with my eyes still closed.

I just want to go home, before I do something that I'll later regret.

"Okay."He responded dryly.

He push the keys back into the ignition and pulled off swiftly from the parking lot.

The whole ride to my house was silent. He didn't even look away from the road.

I didn't want him to be upset or hurt. I just wasn't ready.

Finally he arrived at my house and unlocked the doors so I could get out.

When I got out of the car, he didn't say anything. All he did was pull off.

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