Chapter Twenty-Four

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Sam stretched, staring down at Gabe, who's head was in Sam's lap. Sam grinned down at Gabriel, running a hand through his thick hair.

"Samsters," Gabe ((Sorry candybar_master wanted to use your nickname for me)) murmured sleepily. "What time 's it?"

Sam paused. "Like five thirty, why? It's a Friday. Wanna stay over at my dorm?"

"Please," Gabriel mumbled. He closed his eyes. Sam guessed he was asleep.

The moose pulled out his phone and looked through his Facebook feed. Nothing interesting.

He texted Dean after a few moments. His brother's reply swam through his head late into the night. Cas got into a car crash. He might die. In a coma.

Sam shakily awoke Gabriel. He dreaded the reaction he would get.

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