Chapter Twenty-Eight

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Lucifer was seated in the waiting room. He could hear the soft voices of Sam, Chuck and Gabriel drifting from the other room.

Dean sat beside him. His eyes darted back and forth nervously. "You're Lucifer," he muttered over and over. "Cas hates you. Why would Gabe let you stay? Cas hates you. He wants you to die." He repeated the same things over and over.

Each word dug into Lucifer like a dagger to the heart. He flinched every time Dean said "Cas hates you" and "He wants you to die". 

Lucifer had finally had enough. "Just shut up!" His voice came high and squeaky. "I've made mistakes, but I love my little brother.  He's my blood, and don't you dare say family doesn't end or start in blood- he's my brother, and.... and he might die...."

Dean shut up after that. They sat in silence. At some point Dean got up and fetched two cups of coffee. He gave one to Lucifer.

Gabriel walked in at that very moment. His face was twisted in one of fear and pain. "Luci," he whispered and shook his head back and forth.  "Something went w-wrong.  They don't know what went wrong. They say he's as good as gone....." Gabriel's bottom lip quivered.

Lucifer smashed his coffee down on the table beside his chair and rushed over to his little brother. He pulled him into a hug. "All we can do is pray." 

That was the least likely thing Lucifer would say. But he said it. Lucifer had never been a man of God. In fact, he hated God. But desperate times.....

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