Check Ups and Announcements

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~Ian's POV~

Mel and I are at the doctors today for her first ultrasound. I can tell Melanie is very excited. But me on the other hand, i'm so fucking nervous. I don't get it, i was fine at the last appointment. "Ian, are you okay?" Mel asked.

I look over and her beautiful brown eyes are gazing at me. Knowing we're doing this together makes me feel less nervous. "Yeah, i'm fine." I smile.

"Melanie Moat?" The nurse asks.

Melanie nods; I followed her and the nurse into the room. Melanie layed down on the bench. Within minutes the doctor came in and started the ultrasound. There on that little screen was our baby; it felt amazing hearing the little heart beat come through. It made me realize their's a life inside growing inside of her.

"Well Melanie you are about 12 weeks along. You are soon going to enter your second trimester. And so far both your's and the baby's health is perfect!" The doctor said.

"That's relieving." Melanie chuckles.

"Do you know when the due date is?" I asked.

"By calculating time of concievement and Melanie's last menstrual cycle i say, August 9th." She turns off the ultrasound and cleans Mel's stomach from the gel. "Ok, so you're next appointment is a week from today, the next ultrasound is in three months when you're 24 weeks and by then we will find out the sex."

"Great thanks!" Mel said as the doctor left the room. Just as we were about to leave, the doctor came up to us with the sonograms we forgot to grab. We then left and drove home.

"So Anthony, Kalel and Ryan are stopping by my place, do you want to come?" I asked.

"Um, sure." She says.

~Melanie's POV~

The check up went great. Seeing the baby for the first time made me very emotional. The best part about it was Ian was there, like he said he would be. I'm happy Ian invited me over. It'd be good for me to be social before the baby comes. "Hey can we stop and get some lunch? The baby is hungry."

"And what does the baby want?" Ian chuckled.

"Taco bell."

"Okay." Ian takes me to tacobell and I ordered three soft shell tacos and two burritos. I know I should worry about my weight but I'm so hungry right now. After a while Kalel and Anthony stopped by. "Hey guys" Ian said as they entered the house.

"Hey." Anthony says. "Is Ryan coming?"

"Yeah he's stopping by later. Right now he got stuck curtain shopping with his wife."

"Wouldn't want to be him!" Anthony laughed.

"Hey Kalel, look what we got today!" I say, holding up the folder of sonograms.

"Oh yeah, you had the first ultrasound today! How did it go?"

"It went well, come here i want to show you."

Anthony and Kalel sat down around me on the couch. Ian quickly joins in.

"Awe, it's so cute!" Kalel squealed.

"That's so cool, it's weird to think that's in there." Anthony says, pointing to my stomach.

"Yep, i'm 12 weeks along!"

"So your 3 months?" He asked.

"There the same thing I already got into this argument with her earlier" Ian said.

"So when do you guys find out the sex?"

"In another 12 weeks. I know, it sucks." Ian says.

We continued to look at the sonograms for a little longer. Kalel was just obsessed with them. I can tell she's having thoughts about having kids. Lets hope Anthony is the same way.

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