Meet Noah

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~Ian's POV~

Right now Melanie and the baby are asleep. I just came back with flowers for her, she deserves more but these are what I can get in a hospital.. I informed my parents and her brother about what happened. We've decided to not post on social media about it yet so we can have some time alone with him before all the tweets come at us. Oh no he's getting fussy. Mel is still knocked out so I decided to hold him for a while. I looked down at his bright blue eyes, they're just like mine. I walked with him to the window, rocking him in my arms. There was a a beautiful sunrise. "Shh, daddy's here." I whisper. His little hand wraps around my index finger. He fell back asleep instantly. Then there was a knock coming from the hall. It was Anthony and Kalel.

"May we come in?" Anthony asked while holding balloons.

"Yeah come on in; just be quiet, Mel needs her rest." they walk over to Noah and I.

"Oh my god! He's so cute!" Kalel whispered with excitement.

"Awe, it's a mini you" Anthony added "can I hold him?" He asked. I place Noah in Anthony's arms.

"Be careful." i say.

"Wow this is really amazing, so what did you guys end up naming him?"

"Oh yeah, guys this Noah Anthony Hecox."

"What, you named him after me?" Anthony smiled.

"Yeah I mean you are my best friend and you helped me when I was panicing all the time so this is my way of saying thanks for having my back."

"Aw man this is great, I'm honored. Thanks dude."

"Oh yeah and one more thing, I know Mel isn't awake to tell you with me but we both want you guys to be the godparents."

"Oh my god, of course we will be the godparents." Kalel said, "Now can I hold him?" Anthony places him in Kalel's arms. "Awe he's precious, Anthony would you get mad if I said I want one now?" She asked

"How about we focus on the wedding first." He replied.

A groan was heard and Melanie's eyes opened. She stretched her arms and yawned.

"Hey you're up sleepyhead." I joked.

"Stop i had a long day yesterday." She said.

"So Mel, how are you feeling?" Anthony asked.

"Sore but a lot better. it was all worth it in the end though. Awe Kalel looks like she's ready to be a mom, come on Anthony what are you waiting for?" Mel joked.

Noah starts crying again. Kalel brings him to Mel to help him fall back asleep

Anthony pulls me aside. "So dude how do you feel about everything?" He asked me.

"It's been unbelievable, Man. I feel like things are finally going back to the way they're supposed to be."

"Well then what are you waiting for?! Propose to her!"

"I can't just do it now! She just had a baby, i can't put more onto her."

"Think about it, Ian."

"I will."

"But I'm glad you're doing okay." Anthony said to me.

"Ian, get over here so I can take a family picture" Kalel said holding her phone.

I sit on the edge of the bed next to Mel and wrap my around her. After the picture was taken, Kalel sent it to Melanie. She also took a close up of the baby and made a collage. She made a whole paragraph about him. Me on the other hand, I made Kalel take a picture of just me and the baby. I then posted that on Instagram as well. I wrote 'I shall call him, mini me' to be funny. We got a lot of nice comments from Smosh fans. Alot fangirled over the middle name. Some even called it a 'sign' that Ianthony is real, yeah okay. I'm glad they are being supportive. I really thought some would over react and say Smosh is over which is far from happening. And they brought back #babyhecox trending on twitter once again.

~Melanie's POV~

I woke up again around 2 PM. I look over at Ian, sleeping in the chair with the baby in his arms. It was so cute; I just had to take a picture. I posted it to Instagram with the caption 'like father, like son'. It immediately got thousands of likes. Though there were some comments that were pretty harsh like 'this would be even better if Melanie dissappeared and Ian raised the kid with Anthony' or '@mellylaughs no matter how many how many pics of Ian you post you will always irrelevent' and the worst of all 'stop making Ian be with you, he was NEVER happy with you!'. usually i am able to ignore stuff like this. but this time i can't. i haven't done anything to these people. i understand that they might hate me because of Ian and the break up, but do they really need to look down on me and tell me to dissappear? and what is that last one supposed to mean? are they saying i ruined his life? how? all we're doing is welcoming our child to the world, how is that a bad thing? i really am done, i'm tired of being blamed, i'm tired of being attacked, and i'm tired of these people who don't get that i have feelings too. when Ian and I first started dating, Smosh was just getting big and i knew i would probably recieve minimum hate from a few jealous girls. but now, its not even that; it's worse. same with Kalel, she has always recieved alot of hate from dumb past choices she has made. i understand these fans just want Ian and Anthony to be happy, but they're so blind sided to see they are happy. Anthony is happy with Kalel, and Ian is i guess happy with me and Noah; definitely more with Noah. i feel tears coming to my eyes. i can't believe it, i'm actually crying over stupid comments. i've definitely hit my breaking point. i must have been a little too loud because Ian woke up and heard me.

"Melanie, are you okay?" he asked.

''yeah." i say with a sniffle. "i'm just reading things online."

he takes my phone out of my hand and shakes his head. "don't listen to them. they're just dumb teenagers who don't have a life."

"yeah but they're really good at making other people's lives shitty."

"look at me and Anthony, think of all the hate we get on our videos."

"Ian, there is a difference between getting hate because you're a famous youtuber and getting hate because you're romantically involved with a famous youtuber."

"true, i mean Anthony and I are always called gay and then Kalel gets called a whore and a gold digger. don't take anything they say personally. you know you're happy with what you're doing and that's what should matter.

"Thanks, I think I feel a lot better about this." Noah begins getting fussy again. "Here Ian, let me see him, I think I should try feeding him again." He places the baby in my arms.

Noah finally started feeding. It was such an awkward feeling. I put him back down in his warmer. Today was pretty much a sleeping day for us; switching off watching the baby. We both needed sleep after an amazing night, or morning. Whatever you consider 2 AM to be.

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