Go Get Her

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~Ian's POV~

It's been two weeks since Melanie and Noah left. I haven't talked to anyone since. I've ignored Anthony and postponed all Smosh work. I honestly don't know what to do anymore. I left my room for the first time in three days. I was still weird to come out to an empty house, well Daisy's still here but she's sleeping. I walk out to the kitchen. Maybe this isn't so bad. I spot something on the dining chair; it was one of Melanie's scarves. I face myself in the mirror. Suddenly Anthony enters the house.

"Hey Ian!" he says with a stern voice. "Why the hell have you been ignoring me? What's going on?" I stayed silent and kept my back to him. "Where's Melanie and Noah?" He asked again. I felt anger build up in me. "Ian?"

There was so much anger inside of me. I couldn't control myself. I punched the mirror in front of me. I turn around and see Anthony looking confused. My hand hurt from the pain.

"Fuck!" I yelled, holding my bleeding hand.

"Ian, what the fuck was that for?" He yelled at me.

"I'll explain later just get the first-aid kit!" He leaves and comes back with the kit. I take the out the bandages and wrap it around my hand.

"Now will you tell me what's going on? Where is everyone?" Anthony asked.

"They left" I yelled.


"Melanie got a job in New Jersey and left with Noah."

"So you let her go?"

"Why would she listen to me? She wouldn't care what i have to say."

"Are you an idiot?"

"What do you mean by that?"

He gave me a 'are you fucking serious' look. I can tell he was fed up. "Okay, that's it. Kalel and I are done being your fucking cupids. We've tried so many things. But you two are just so fucking oblivious.

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"Dude, Melanie still loves you, she tells Kalel all the time that she loves you. Why do you think she wanted to move in with you? Why do you think she wanted you to be in Noah's life?" He yelled.

"Because, I'm his father."

"Yes, but also because she doesn't want to lose you. You had so many chances to get her back and, you chickened out. Ian you let her go. She probably would have stayed if you said the three words you've wanted to say ever since you first broke up" I look down at my feet. He's probably right. "Listen man, I'm sorry for getting mad but." He went to my room and grabbed something. "Take this, and go get your girl back." He handed me the item. It was the ring box.

I grip the box tightly. "You're right, I have to do this. For us and our family. I better start packing."

"Hurry up I'll drive you to the airport."

I run to my room and pack three days worth of clothes in a backpack. I take Melanie's scarf because she's probably looking for it. I put the backpack on and run out the door.

"We quickly get in his car. He drove so fast we were there in about 15 minutes.

"Thanks man" I say getting out.

"Good luck." He says.

I enter the airport and buy a plane ticket to New Jersey. I had to go through a long line of security. The lady cop found the ring box.

"So, what's this?" She said opening it. She saw the ring and looked up at me smiling.

"Here" she handed it back to me "you'll do fine."

I smile "thank you" I say. After waiting 4 hours I finally got on the plane. Next stop, getting my girlfriend back.

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