Not Going as Planned

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~Melanie's POV~

Well, Noah's asleep, the house is clean, and Ian is still at the studio. There's nothing to do and it's only 5 in the afternoon. I plop on the couch, bored as hell. Daisy jumps on the couch and lays her head on my lap.

"Hey Dais, came to see mama?' I say. She whimps, I pet her head.

"Mel, I'm home" Ian yells as he enters the house.

"Hey, you're home early" I say.

"Yeah we only had to film one scene today, but tomorrow we have to film gangbang for Smosh games."

"Oh yeah, that reminds me, Ian are you bringing Noah to your parents tomorrow or am I?"

"Why is Noah going to my parents?" He asked confused.

"Remember, I have that job interview, I told you last week."

"What time is the interview at?"

"At ten"

"Oh, then I can't; I have to be at the office at six to film Game time and an episode of Grand Theft Smosh"

"Ok, then I guess I'll take him"

"So what's the interview for?"

"An art museum downtown, there's this part of the museum where you can teach classes to people who want to learn art. I'm hoping I'll get it because I think it'll be cool to teach someone about art"

"Well, I'm happy for you Mel. I hope you get it"

"Thanks, I need all the luck I can get"

~~~Next Morning~~~

~Ian's POV~

"K guys, we all set?" I ask.

"Yeah, I think so" Sohinki said.

"Wait, what's the punishment again?" Joven asked.

"The two losers have to run around the outside of the building in the dress of shame" Anthony says.

"Oh god, I already know I'm gonna lose" joven says.

There was a knock on the door.

"Come in" Lasercorn shouts.

It was Melanie, with Noah. What are they doing here?

"Hey Mel!" Mari says.

"Hi, am I interrupting something?" She asks.

"Um, no but what are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to be at your interview in half an hour" i say confused.

"Ian, can I talk to you outside for a minute?" She says. I follow her out to the hall and close the door behind me.

"Mel, what's going on?" I asked.

"You're mom's sick and you're dad's at work and I have no one to watch Noah, can you please take him?"

"Why didn't you ask one of the neighbors to watch him?"

"I don't even know who the fuck our neighbors are. Please Ian, this interview is important to me. I need to get back on my feet and help our family."

"Ok" I sigh "come here buddy" I say taking Noah from Melanie. She hands me the baby bag afterwards.

"Thank Ian, I better go or I'm gonna be late" she says leaving.

"Hey Mel" I say. She stops walking and turns around. "You got this"

She smiles "thanks, see you at home" she says. She continues walking.

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