Let's Be Parents

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~Ian's POV~

My mind went blank; I don't even know what to say. I'm the father of my ex girlfriend's child. No one said a word, it was completely silent. I'm honestly really speechless right now.

"Ian, are you okay, you haven't said anything in a long time" Mel asked

"Yeah I'm fine, i'm just confused. How did this happen? When?"

"Remember our anniversary, where we didn't use any protection." She exclaimed.

I run my fingers through my hair and let out a sigh. "How did you remember? We were drunk."

"Well, when i woke up i don't remember seeing any condom lying around."

"What about you? I thought you were on the pill?"

"Somehow, it didn't work. It's only 98 percent effective so it is possible to get pregnant while on it. We just happen to be in that unlucky two percent."

"So, let me get this straight, you've been pregnant for almost two months and you didn't know until now?"

"To be fair I didn't have that many obvious symptoms until recently. It wasn't until I realized I haven't gotten my period when I started to question it."

I sit down on the bench, still trying to process everything. "How could we be so stupid?"

"I don't know." She sits down next to me. "But I do know that i'm keeping this baby. And whether or not you want to be involved is up to you. No child support or anything."

Everything in my head is spinning around. I don't know if i can be a father. But i can't ditch her like that. "How is this going to work? I have to film a main video every two weeks and in between that i film for Smosh Games. Plus with writing scripts and editing and uploading. Where the hell is a baby going to fit in?"

"Ian if it's going to cause you alot of stress then don't be involved."

"Melanie you can't tell a man you're carrying his child then for him forget about it." I say, harshly. I take a deep breath. Melanie stands up walks to the kitchen door.

"I think i'll just head out." She says. "Call me when you figure out what you want to do." She starts to open the door but i get up and stop her.

"Melanie, I can't let you do this on your own. I want to help."


"Yeah. I want to be there for you two. I'll go to every doctors visit, every breathing class, and when it's time i'll be right there in the delivery room."

"Are you sure? Because once you commit you're not backing down and ditching me."

"Trust me, i won't. I've already made the decision that I want to be a dad."

Her eyes start to get teary. "We're having a baby!"

"Yeah I know!" I say hugging her. "Trust me Mel, we're gonna be fine."

"I know we will." She sniffles and wipes her eyes. "Sorry I'm like this, my hormones have been wacked all day."

"It's ok I understand."

We broke from the hug. She's looks so beautiful. I know i still love her but i can't say anything now. Just incase things don't work again. We can't do that to our baby. "So, what about Smosh and Stuff? What are you going to do?

"I'll figure it out and start changing the schedule with Anthony. Don't worry i won't miss a thing." I look up and Anthony and Kalel are like two feet away from the door, trying to listen in on our conversation. "Looks like we got some listeners." She looks at them and laughs. Anthony notices us staring at him and smiles in guilt. I flip him off. We both head back inside. "You little fucking eavesdroppers!" I laugh

"I couldn't help it I was already so involved. So, what's the plan you two?" Kalel asked.

"We're going to do this." I say.

"Really? That's great man!" Anthony said.

"Yep, i'm going to be a dad!" I say.

"And i'm going to be a mom!" Mel says.

"Awe, i'm so happy for you guys!" Kalel squeals.

I'm surprised they are accepting our decision. I really thought Anthony wasn't going to take it very well because of our work. But hey, He's planning on proposing to Kalel this year. So if he can get married, then i can have a baby. And nothing is going to change with Smosh.

~Melanie's POV~

Wow I can't believe Ian is actually okay with all of this. I kept on staring into his shining blue eyes and his sweet smile and began getting emotional, like i usually do. I'm still in love with Ian, but he probably doesn't love me anymore. Of course I regret breaking up with him; but for the sake of our child we should stay how it is. We continued to hang out with Kalel and Anthony for a while. I missed times like this; when us four would just hang out and went on double dates.

"Hey, it's getting late i think i'm going to head off." Ian says.

"Why?" Anthony says.

"Because we have to get up in 5 hours to film."


"Here, i'll drive you home." I say.

"Bye guys! Congrats on the baby! And Mel text me tomorrow!" Kalel says.

"Okay i will. Bye Kalel." I say as Ian and I exit the house. We get into my car and i start driving to the Smosh house. There wasn't much talking, it was all silent. I guess Ian and I aren't past the post break up awkward stage yet.

"Wow, this has been one hell of a day." He says.

"I know. This morning i woke up like any normal day. Then three o'clock hit and now i'm pregnant."

"Yeah, today i normally filmed Anthony and I eating lunch and now i'm going to be a father. It's weird how fast things can changes." I pull up to the Smosh house and Ian gets out. "Do you want to come in?"

"I can't. Tomorrow i'm going to hangout Corin and Mikey and i need some sleep after all that's happened today."

"Okay, text me tomorrow?"


We gave our goodbyes and i go back to my place. Once i got in a immediately plopped on the couch. I really can't believe all that has happened today. It still seems unreal to me that i'm pregnant. This wasn't exactly how i wanted everything to go. I was hoping i'd be married and Ian and I were actually together when we had kids. Well, here's the start of the rest of my life.

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