Why Can't You be Happy for Me?

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~Melanie's POV~

I pull into my father's driveway and park the car. I lean back in my seat and take a breath.

"Melanie I'm sorry I caused things between you and your mom" Ian says.

"It's not your fault Ian" I say. "It's my mom; she always tried to plan my whole life for me. She wanted me to become a lawyer or doctor and marry well, a lawyer or a doctor. She also wanted me to get married when I was 32 and have kids the next year."

"But that didn't happen" he says.

"I know, and I couldn't be happier" I peck his lips and we get out of the car. I open the passenger door and Ian picks up Noah from his car seat. We hold hands as we walk to my father's front door. I ring his doorbell. A big smile appeared on my dad's face when he opened the door.

"Melbell!" He says. Melbell was my nickname he gave me when I was a little girl.

"Hi daddy" I say hugging him. I missed him so much. I was always a daddy's girl. We let go of the hug.

"This is such a surprise, it's so great to see you" he looks over my shoulder at Noah and Ian.

"So, this is my grandson" he smiles.

"No, I'm Ian" Ian jokes.

"Funny" my dad says. "May I?"

"Sure" Ian says, handing Noah over to my father.

"Hi there, Noah's his name right?"

"Yes" I say.

"Hi Noah, I'm your grandpa" my dad smiles. Noah smiles back. "Wow, this is great. Here, why don't we go inside?"

We follow him in and sit on the couch. I missed this place. When I was younger I stayed here most of the time. Something about this place just makes it seem warming and welcome, unlike my mom's house.

"So, what brings you two here?" My dad asked.

"I moved back for a new job at the museum down town. I was living with mom for a while." I say.

"How long have you been back?" He asked again.

"About two weeks, sorry I forgot to visit it's just with the baby and work I never found time." I say.

"It's alright dear" he said.

"Anyway, yesterday Ian flew down here and" Ian cuts me off.

"Before Melanie finishes I want to say something. Mr. Moat I love Melanie so much and I was wondering if "

"Yes" my dad said cutting him off.

"But you don't even know what I was going to ask?" Ian said, confused.

"You were going to ask me if I gave you permission to marry my daughter and my answer is yes" he smiles. "I see how happy you make my Melanie, and that's all a father looks for. Ian when I first met you I knew you were a great guy for her. And I knew you'd be the one asking me that question." I smile and lean my head on Ian's shoulder.

"Ok let me finish the story" I say, popping my head back up. "Anyway Ian flew down here and we got back together and I kept him a secret from mom for the night. And today she invited someone over because she wanted me to be with him. Then after that it went crazy and our secret went out and Mom said we were no longer welcome." I spit out.

"Who did she invite over?" My dad asked

"Nathan" I frown.

"Ugh, him. I swear if that jackass comes over here he'll get a good ole"

Forever and Always- Book 1जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें