Little Movements

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~Melanie's POV~

All day i've done nothing but watch an American Horror Story marathon on tv. Honestly, i don't see the big deal about this show. It's actually kind of boring. I hear the front door open, it's Ian and Anthony. "Hey Mel." Ian says.

"Hey guys." I says.

"Don't mind me, i forgot my laptop charger." Anthony says, walking to the office.

Ian sits down next to me. "So, how was your day?"

"Boring. No one was around so i was stuck watching TV all day."

"Hey you weren't totally alone." He says, refering to the baby.

"I guess." I say. Suddenly i feel the baby kicking. I've never felt that before! "Woah." I say.

"What?" Ian asked with a little worry.

"The baby just kicked!" I smiled

"What! Are you sure?"

"Yes i'm sure!" I place Ian's hand on my stomach. "See, he's doing it again!."

"Wow, this is amazing. He's really going at it."

"I know, it's crazy. That's our son."

He kisses my stomach and lays his head down. Ian is so sweet. I can tell he really wants this. I'm so happy we're doing this together.

"Are you going to get up?" I asked.

"I will. It's just that I can kind of hear the baby's heartbeat and it's nice." He says

"Ian what are you doing?" Anthony asked.

"Laying with my son." He says.

"And you're just going to let him lay on top of you?" He asked me.

"Yeah um, Ian can you get up now, i have go get dinner ready."

"No, you stay seated." He says, sitting up. "I'll make dinner."

"You don't have to."

"Well i am." He gets up and walks to the kitchen.

"I'll see you guys later." Anthony says.

"Wait, you're coming back?" Ian asked.

"Yeah i figured i go home, get Kalel, and then we all just hang out." He says.

"Ok, yeah we'll see you later." I say.

"Bye guys." He leaves and now it's just Ian and I. After dinner, which was amazing, we had some time before Anthony and Kalel were stopping by.

"So, what are we going to do?" Ian asked.

"Well, he's kicking again." I say.

Ian sit back down next to me and places his hand on my stomach. "He is definitely going to be a kick boxer or soccer player."

"Look, you can see a little hand!"

Ian high fives the little hand. "High five little guy, you're almost here."

"Just four months to go!" I smile.

Anthony and Kalel walk in. "I'm back!" Anthony says.

"And i'm here too!" Kalel says. "So, what were you two up to?"

"The baby was kicking!" I say excitingly.

"What! No way!"

"Yeah, come sit and feel." Kalel sits down on the other side of me and places her hand on my stomach.

"Wow, How does it feel?"

"It's strange but amazing!"

"Don't get any ideas babe." Anthony says.

"Relax, even i don't think we're ready for a baby." Kalel says.

"So, are we going to sit here all night and touch my stomach or are we actually going to do something?" I asked.

"Yeah, let's play Super Smash Bros." Ian says.

"I was waiting for you to say that!" Anthony says.

Ian puts Super Smash Bros Brawl in the wii and hands all of us remotes. After being beaten by the guys, Mostly Anthony, Kalel and I decided it was time to watch a movie. There weren't many DVD's here, the only good ones were The notebook, The Avengers, and The hunger Games. After a vote 3-1, The Avengers was chosen. Yeah Kalel wanted The Hunger Games. Only 30 minutes into the movie i felt tired and in only ten minutes, i started to doze off.

~Kalel's POV~

Look at Melanie and Ian sleeping. She's just laying her head on his shoulder and he has his arm almost around her. Seriously, how are they not together yet? The movie ended so Anthony and I decided to head out. Before we left i wrote them a note and stuck it on Ian's chest.

~Ian's POV~

I woke up to Melanie fast asleep on my shoulder and Anthony and Kalel gone. I look down and there's a note on my chest. It says, 'Sleep tight love birds! <3 - A&K'. Ha love birds; funny because it's the total opposite of Melanie and I. I sit up and Melanie wakes up. "What happened? What time is it?" She asked.

"Everyone left and it's 1 AM." I say.

"I'm going to bed."

"Yeah me too."


"Night." She places my hand on her stomach. He's kicking again. "Goodnight to you too." I head to my room and tried to fall back asleep.

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