Chapter 11

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Chris P.O.V

I couldn’t concentrate on what was happening in the movie, my mind was full of thoughts about what happened earlier. What did they say to Dan? I didn’t want to ask him in case he thought I was worrying about it, which I kind of was but I didn’t like the thought of someone hurting him.

The film finished about 20 minutes later. “Do you want me to walk you home?” Dan asked softly with his arm still around me.

“Uh yeah ok” I quickly put my jumper and shoes on and headed out of his apartment holding his hand.

We reached the front door and I quickly pecked Dan on the lips and went inside. As soon as I got in, I went to my room and logged onto my laptop.

I opened YouTube and signed into my account. I just wanted to watch mine and Dan’s video again. I was about half way through the video when a thought popped into my mind. I scrolled down slightly to see if any more comments had been posted. There were loads…and when I say loads, I mean loads…

Let’s put it this way…they were all negative. Some of them didn’t really bother me but others were really hurtful…like ‘You should both just go and die!’ or ‘Dan doesn’t love you! He’s just using you for your body!’

I felt my eyes become blurry. I didn’t bother to try and stop them from coming out. There was no point. I quickly turned off my laptop and curled up under the covers, crying myself to sleep.

I woke up with puffy eyes and tears stains on my cheeks. I couldn’t get the comments out of my mind. It was like someone had permanently stuck them there and there was nothing I could do to get rid of them.

My phone buzzed, showing I had a text from Dan.

Hey, I’ll be over in about 20 minutes :) xxx

I can’t let him see me like this…I quickly ran to the bathroom and washed my face and put on a clean change of clothes.

 I turned my laptop back on and scrolled through the comments over and over again. I was beginning to think that they were right…Maybe it wasn’t such a good idea to tell everyone this soon…Maybe mine and Dan’s relationship wasn’t going to work…

I was still scrolling through them, when I heard my bedroom door open. I didn’t bother to look at who it was.

“Hey” Shit…Dan. He sat down beside me. “Whatcha’ looking at?”

I quickly shut my laptop. “Nothing…”

He looked at me “You’ve been crying” How the fuck did he know that?

Dan’s P.O.V

“N-No I haven’t…” He put his laptop on his bedside table and didn’t look at me.

“You obviously have…Tell me…”

No response. Why is he ignoring me?

“Please Chris…I hate seeing you like this…It hurts me to see you upset”

He turned around and stared at me. He face blank with no emotion. “I can’t take it anymore…” His voice was barely a whisper.

“What?” I looked at him confused. What the fuck is he on about?

Without warning, Chris ran passed me and into his bathroom locking the door behind him.

I ran after him a pounded on the door. “Chris! Open the door! Please!”

Chris P.O.V

I sat against the bath, hugging my knees to my chest. My face buried into my legs, a few tears escaping now and then. I suddenly felt really guilty about running off and leaving Dan. I quickly crawled over to the door and unlocked it before returning back to my position.

Dan rushed in and sat next to me pulling me into his chest. “Please tell me what’s wrong”

I took a deep breath before speaking. “I don’t think this is gonna work…”

“What’s not gonna work?”

“Us…The so called ‘fans’ don’t even accept us…I-I can’t deal with this sort of hate Dan…It’s too much…” I peered through my hair at him. He looked kind of hurt.

“Chris…You don’t need to listen to those assholes. They’re only saying that stuff because they’re behind a screen…If they met us in person they wouldn’t have the guts to say it face to face…”

I shook my head “What about what happened yesterday? They said it to our faces!”

He sighed before standing up. “I’ll be right back…”

Dan’s P.O.V

He could be so freaking stubborn sometimes I swear. I grabbed my phone from his bed and signed into twitter. This shit needed to be sorted before it got out of hand…

‘To all you bastards who are hating on me and @Chris_Kendall_ , You need to stop being so pathetic and STFU! You have no idea what it’s doing to him!’

Chris P.O.V

I felt my phone go off in my pocket. I looked at the screen to see I had a mention on twitter.

I quickly clicked on to it and read what the tweet was.

@Danisnotonfire: To all you bastards who are hating on me and @Chris_Kendall_ , You need to stop being so pathetic and STFU! You have no idea what it’s doing to him!

A small smile formed on my lips as I re-read the tweet over and over again. I quickly stood up and ran into my room practically jumping on Dan.

“Thank you!” I said into his neck. He chuckled slightly as he tried to regain his balance.

I cupped his face and kissed him with everything I had. I felt him smile into the kiss as we fell back onto my bed, not breaking apart.

I started to pull Dan’s shirt off and he broke the kiss.

“You sure you want to do this?”

“Never been surer in my life” I giggled as a grin appeared on his face. He leant down and kissed me again.

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