Chapter 16

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3 months later

Dan’s P.O.V

Well, this is it I suppose. The big day everyone seems to get so excited about. Chris and I’s wedding is tomorrow…To be honest, I’m not sure whether I’m happy, excited or nervous. It’s all just a big blur to me at the moment. It will probably hit me tomorrow though…

We have everything sorted and ready. The venue, the cake, the guests. Even the honeymoon!

I’m staying at Phil’s tonight and Peej is staying with Chris at our apartment. God I miss him already and it’s only been an hour! I know it’s usually the bride and groom that aren’t supposed to see each other, which is kind of impossible for us since you know, both guys, but we thought we’d keep it traditional and not see each other unless it’s absolutely necessary.

I heard my phone ringing on the bed side table so I picked it up and looked at the caller ID. Chris. I felt a smile creep onto my face as I read his name over and over. Shit, better pick up.


“Hey babe, I was just calling to say that I miss you loads and I can’t wait for tomorrow”

I silently awwed. He misses me.

“I miss you too and me neither”

“So, how are you feeling about it? No second thoughts or anything?”

“No! Why would I have second thoughts? I want this to happen because I love you”

“Ok me neither, I was just…Checking…”

He sounded unsure of himself and I started to panic.

“Chris, there’s something you’re not telling me. What’s wrong?”


I paused for a second.

“Chris please. I want to know that you’re ok”

“Fine, it’s just, I’m kind of worried”

“Well that’s natural. Everybody is bound to feel like that on the night before a wedding”

“No, no, I’m fine with that, it’s just…The fans…”

I sighed and closed my eyes.

“Chris, babe. You already know that they’re fine with it”

“I know, it’s just, it’s still sitting there in the pit of my stomach like they’re going to say something…”

“Well if they do, they can’t be a real fan can they?”

“Ok I guess you’re right, I’m sorry”

“Hey, don’t apologise. It’s not your fault”

“Thanks, anyway I better go, Peej keeps pestering me to show him what I look like in a suit”

I chuckled slightly down the phone

“Ok I love you”

“Love you more”

The next day

“Do you, Dan Howell, take Chris Kendall to be your lawful wedded…”

I narrowed my eyes at the vicar.


It was so obvious he didn’t approve of homosexual relationships, but oh well, I guess he’ll just have to suck it up and get on with it.

“I do” I replied, looking at Chris as his eyes filled with happy tears...

Chris P.O.V

‘I do’ those two words swirled around my head. I felt like crying right now. It was really happening, Dan and I would officially be married in the next 30 minutes. I was imagining all of the things me and Dan would be able to do now that we were married. I tried not to let my mind wonder into thinking dirty thoughts about him just so I wouldn’t embarrass myself. I looked around at all the family and friends we had invited. Dan’s mum and my mum were crying their eyes out, our dad’s were smiling at us, Peej and Phil were grinning like complete idiots and Dan’s brother was playing on his PSP, typical teenager…

I was so caught up in my thoughts that I didn’t even notice the vicar ask me the question.

“Mr. Kendall?”


“Do you take Dan to be your husband?”

“Oh, yes. I do”

I saw an even bigger smile creep onto his face.

“Good, then I now pronounce you, husband and…husband?”

I saw Dan nod. I almost wanted to laugh at how cute he was when he was annoyed.

“You may now kiss each other”

We both leant in at the same and the moment our lips touched, fireworks were going off in my brain and everybody was cheering and clapping.

2 hours later

Me and Dan were standing at the exit of the after party and saying goodbye and thank you to everyone who came as they congratulated us.

There’s one moment in the whole day that I will never forget. Our first dance. It was as perfect as you could possibly make it and I wouldn’t change a second of it. The two of us trapped in our own little world for 5 minutes, even though it felt like an eternity.

I didn’t even realise I was smiling at Dan like a maniac until he leant in and kissed my nose.

“What’s up with you mr. smiles?”

I blushed realising he had caught me.

“Nothing. I’m just happy”

“Me too” He smiled back at me and kissed my nose again. I think that should be my new thing”


“Giving you nose kisses”

“I think it’s cute”

“Good because you will be getting them all the time”

I chuckled at him before taking his hand and leading him out of the venue.

For the rest of the evening, me and Dan were cuddled up on the sofa just enjoying each other’s company. People always say that married life is hell but I think that this time it could be the complete opposite…

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