Let the Celebrations Begin

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Chapter 10 - Let the Celebrations Begin!

Despite the sadness of the previous day, Sunday dawned bright and new. Ziva had slept with Jenny and Gibbs, both knowing that it was going to be a difficult night for her. And they had been right. Stirring at 6.30am from a night of restless slumber, Gibbs rolled over to see Ziva staring at the ceiling. Leaning in, he put his arm around her and pulled her close, kissing her softly on the head.

"How are you feeling Sweet Pea?" he asked gently, nuzzling into her hair.

"OK," she sighed. "I thought maybe I had dreamed it all, but I didn't, did I?"

She looked up at him, her chocolate eyes wide and hopeful.

"No," said Gibbs simply, kissing her head again. "I'm sorry."

She didn't speak but merely nodded her head in resignation. It would take time. Gibbs was fully aware of that. But he also knew, she would move on. The grief would be difficult, but at least now she knew the truth about her family. She was no longer in limbo, wondering if, or when, she would see them again.

"Hey," he whispered in her ear. "Guess what today is?"

A huge grin crossed her face and she said happily, "Tony's birthday!"

"Yep," replied Gibbs.

"Can I go and wake him up?" asked Ziva.

"How about we let him wake up on his own," suggested Gibbs. "He'll be much happier that way."

"OK," she said, a little disappointed. "What time is everyone coming today?"

"Around lunch time," said Gibbs. "We've got lots to do before then. We need to blow up more balloons, tie up streamers, hang up the Happy Birthday sign and..." he stretched out the word to build the suspense. "There's a surprise coming this morning."

"What!" she asked eagerly, sitting up and facing him.

"Do you promise not to tell?" asked Gibbs.

"Cross my heart and hope to die," she said, performing the ritual with her finger.

Gibbs smiled, "Alright then," he said.

He leaned close to her ear and whispered into it. As he leaned back, he couldn't help but smirk at the wide smile that lit up her whole face.

"Really Daddy?" she exclaimed, bouncing on her knees.

When he nodded in confirmation, she clapped her hands and squealed in excitement. Scrambling out from under the covers, she crawled over Gibbs and, straddling his body, began bouncing on his stomach.

"Yay Daddy," she squealed. "When's it coming?"

"Omph," groaned Gibbs as Ziva landed on a particularly sensitive part of his body.

"How about you stop bouncing on Daddy and I'll tell you," he said.

She immediately stilled. He lifted her up and raised his knees so that she was sitting on top of them. Holding her hands to help support her, he said, "10 o'clock."

"What time is it now?" she asked.

"Too early," grumbled Jenny from the other side of the bed.

Ziva covered her mouth and giggled.

"Good morning Mommy," she greeted cheerfully, and Jenny turned over to face both Ziva and Gibbs.

"Good morning peanut," returned Jenny, still groggy with sleep. Squinting open her eyes, she saw Ziva on top of Gibbs' raised knees. "You're up high," she commented.

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