Plans Revealed

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Chapter 38 - Plans Revealed

It was twenty past seven when Gibbs and Jenny pulled up beside the van. Taking out his cell, Gibbs sent Abby a quick text.

'can u meet us in the annex'

Smiling at Jenny as he awaited Abby's reply, Gibbs felt amazingly calm. Despite what they were about to do, he felt that now, at least, they had a plan. He reached over and took her hand, entwining their fingers.

"You OK?" he asked, continuing to smile at her.

"Yeah," she answered softly. "A bit nervous, but anxious to get things moving."

"Me too," agreed Gibbs.

He leaned across the console with every intention of kissing her, but was interrupted by his cell buzzing. Flipping it open, he read, 'coming now xx'

He frowned.

"What's xx?" he asked, showing Jenny the message.

Jenny laughed and shook her head.

"Seriously Jethro? And here I thought we'd dragged you into the twenty-first century," she teased. "Think about it. If I put that on a card after my name, what would it mean?"

"Oh," said Gibbs blushing slightly as he made the connection. "Well how was I supposed to know, I thought it was code for something."

Opening the car doors, Jenny and Gibbs climbed out. Not wanting to alert Tony and Ziva, they decided not to close the doors just yet, but simply pushed them to. Creeping into the annex, they were met by Tim and Abby who were just exiting the van.

Surprised to see both of them, Gibbs asked, "What are the kids doing?"

"Sleeping," said Abby. "Ziva wore herself out crying and fell asleep not long after you left and Tony fell asleep on your bed while was watching TV."

Gibbs sighed in relief.

"That works out well," he said. "We need to have a meeting and run some ideas by you before we tell Tony and Ziva."

He looked around the annex and found the camping chairs folded up against the plastic table.

"Grab a chair," he ordered, pacing towards the stack.

When everyone was seated, Gibbs began.

"While we were setting up the annex, I got a call from Vance. A retired NCIS agent that Jen and I worked with about eight years ago, died today. His name was William Decker. At first his death was classed as natural heart attack, but, due to some classified information Jen and I were able to share with him, Leon ordered the body be flown to NCIS and Ducky was asked to check the body and perform a second autopsy. It turns out Decker was tortured and murdered for information regarding my and Jen's whereabouts. His kill was ordered by a woman who is seeking revenge. She wants us," here Gibbs waved a finger between himself and Jenny, "dead and she will stop at nothing to see that happen."

Gibbs looked at Tim and Abby to gauge their reactions. Both were looking shocked and a little pale. Abby in particular appeared distressed.

"Unfortunately, we also know that she is not working alone. She is currently keeping company with DiNozzo Senior."

This time Abby gasped and brought her hand to her mouth.

"What about Eli, Boss," asked Tim, his voice trembling slightly with shock.

Gibbs shook his head.

"Don't know," he replied simply. "He could be in on this as well but, as yet, we have no intel either way."

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