Scenic World

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Chapter 24 - Scenic World

Gibbs woke with a shock as, what felt like a block of ice, touched his leg. Feeling his small daughter snuggle up against him, he breathed in relief.

"Geez Ziva! Your feet are freezing!" he said, reaching down to massage her tiny feet.

"I know Daddy," she replied, swinging her legs up onto his chest for easy access. "I had to go to the toilet and they got cold."

"Why didn't you put your slippers on?"

Gibbs grabbed both feet and began rubbing furiously to try and get the circulation going.

"I forgot," she said cheerfully. "I don't wear them at home."

Gibbs smiled to himself while he continued rubbing. Looking up at the digital clock he saw it was 6.37am. The early morning sunlight was just beginning to filter through the blinds and a chorus of birds were announcing the day.

"Did you sleep well?" asked Gibbs.

"Yep, until I needed to go to the toilet," she replied. "Why is it so cold?"

"Well, don't forget it's wintertime and we're up in the mountains," reminded Gibbs. "And, I bet there's a thick frost on the ground this morning."

"Really! I wanna see," she exclaimed, trying to scramble out of his grip.

"Not now Honey," said Gibbs. "It's too cold."

"OK then," she replied, mischief evident in her eyes. "I guess I'll just have to keep trying to warm up my feet."

Wriggling slightly, she managed to release one foot from his grasp and slid the frozen limb up under his shirt, resting it on his bare belly.

"Augh!" cried Gibbs.

Grabbing Ziva's leg from under his shirt, he proceeded to tickle her toes until she was squealing for mercy.

"Do you guys have any idea what time it is?" said a less than impressed voice next to them.

"Ahh...6.43am," replied Gibbs, after squinting at the clock again.

"It's morning Mommy," said Ziva, disentangling herself from the sheets and flinging herself face down on top of Jenny.

A loud 'Omph' was heard from under Ziva's face.

"Yep, time we were all up and dressed," agreed Gibbs, swatting Ziva on the bottom before lifting her up and setting her on the floor.

"Go and put your slippers on, Sweetie and I'll make us some breakfast. You have permission to wake the others," he added with a grin.

"Yipee!" squealed Ziva as she ran through the doorway into the space she shared with Abby, Tony and Tim.

As Jenny turned to face Gibbs and elicit a good morning kiss, she couldn't help but shudder at the noises coming from the back room.

"Wake up! Wake up!" shouted Ziva, clapping her hands loudly.

Various groans, moans and complaints peppered the air as the three sleepers tried to avoid the early morning onslaught that was their little sister.

"Ziva!" groaned Tony. "I'm telling Dad on you!"

"He already knows," replied Ziva smugly. "He gave me permission."

"Come on everyone, up and at it!" she yelled again. "Time to start the day!"

"OK, Honey," called Gibbs, peeking around the bi-fold door. "I think they have the message. Come and help me make the breakfast. And...." he added, staring at her bare feet. "Put your slippers on!"

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