A Rebel's Remorse

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Chapter 13 - A Rebel's Remorse

"Look Tony!" yelled Ziva from across the street. "Look what I got!"

Tony had just emerged from the woods and was now making his way down the track to the road. Looking up when he heard Ziva call, he smiled at what he saw. Wobbling furiously while trying to pedal, Ziva was slowly making her way up the pavement on a small red bike. Not far behind her was his Dad with a hand held out ready to grab the bike should it look as if it was going to tip over.

Dismounting, Tony carefully crossed the road and waited for Ziva to make her return trip.

"Did you see me?" asked Ziva excitedly. "Daddy and I went to the second hand store and we found this bike. It only cost $15 and I can nearly ride it!"

"Way to go Shrimp!" praised Tony affectionately.

"And Daddy bought me this red helmet so I'd be safe," she said, tapping her head with her knuckles.

"Looks good," said Tony.

"So we could maybe go for a ride tomorrow?" asked Ziva hopefully.

"Yeah, maybe," replied Tony. He had been hoping to spend some time with Rory tomorrow to try and smooth things over. "But you've got to be able to ride properly though. The track is pretty rough in some places."

Encouraged by the thought of riding along the bike track with Tony, Ziva carefully sat on the seat and set off again while Tony made his way inside.

"Let me go on my own Daddy," she called, just as Gibbs was about to follow her.

Stopping suddenly, Gibbs looked on as his daughter made her way towards the corner. She was going quite well and had managed about fifteen yards before the wobbles set in. Quickening his step to try and reach her, he was almost there when she toppled over, falling heavily on her elbow.

"Ouch," he heard her hiss and watched as she grabbed her arm and cradled it for a few seconds, before standing up and mounting her bike again.

"You OK sweet pea?" Gibbs asked as he reached her side.

"Yep," she answered. "It's only a little bump. I'm OK Daddy. I've gotta learn how to do this so I can ride with Tony tomorrow."

He watched with admiration as she tried over and over again to make it from one corner to the next. Each time she fell, she would pick herself up and start again.

With Ziva no longer wanting his assistance, Gibbs decided to go inside and see how Tony was getting along. Finding the boy sitting on the sofa in front of the TV and currently flicking through the many channels he now had available, Gibbs took a seat next to him.

"Did you have a good ride?" he asked, staring at the flickering pictures as Tony surfed the channels.

"Yeah," replied Tony. "Wasn't as much fun by myself though."

"Well, tomorrow you may have Ziva with you," said Gibbs.

"That's not what I meant," retorted Tony.

"Yeah, I knew what you meant," said Gibbs. "I just don't want you to forget you have a little sister who would like to play with you as well. She missed you today."

Gibbs tried to make eye contact with Tony, but the boy's eyes were firmly fixed on the flickering channels. Finally finding a channel showing old Looney Tunes cartoons, Tony put the remote down and curled up on the couch.

"Did you hear me?" asked Gibbs.

"I heard," mumbled Tony. "I'll go for a ride with her tomorrow morning, OK?"

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