Saturday Night

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Chapter 26 - Saturday Night

Pulling up in the parking lot, Gibbs and Jenny eyed the large multi story hotel. The grand entrance and appearance of a concierge had them both a little worried.

"This, er, looks rather expensive Tim," said Jenny, voicing Gibbs' exact thoughts.

"Yeah, you couldn't find something cheaper?" added Gibbs.

"Don't worry guys," reassured Tim. "I checked the whole area and this place had the best deal on a connecting family suite. It was a special offer and ended up being the cheapest in town."

"OK," said Jenny, turning to face the younger man. "If you say so."

"Tim, you'd better come with me seeing as you made the booking over the internet," said Gibbs, opening his door and stepping out.

Tim did the same and the pair of them headed into the main entrance.

"Tony," warned Jenny, just catching him out of the corner of her eye. "Stay in the van please. Dad will be back soon."

"Can't I just stand in the parking lot? I need some fresh air," argued Tony, sliding the door open and standing on the step.

"You've just had three hours of fresh air," retorted Jenny. "Inside, now!"

Groaning audibly, Tony did as asked shutting the door a little too forcibly which earned him a glare from his Mom.

"Sorry," he mumbled "It slipped,"

"Mmmm," replied Jenny, unconvinced. "I'm sure it did."

Walking down to the bedroom area, Tony climbed the ladder and slumped on his bed, sighing loudly. He looked up when he felt someone on the ladder. It was Ziva. Standing precariously on the third to top rung, she reached up and touched the ceiling.

"What's up?" she asked, balancing herself carefully.

"Nothing, I'm just bored," replied Tony.

"Me too," said Ziva, sighing.

"Be careful you don't fall," said Tony, watching as Ziva began to stretch her fingers along the ceiling, her feet still planted on the ladder rung.

"Nah, I won't," she said confidently.

Grabbing onto the railing, she bent forward and a mischievous grin spread across her face.

"Hey, want me to show you something?" she whispered. "Close the door."

Eyeing her suspiciously, Tony reached past her and pulled the bi-fold door across the entry.

"OK, what?" he asked, once the door was closed.

"Give me a minute," she quietly. "I need to concentrate."

Standing up again, Ziva took a couple of seconds to regain her balance.

Studying her carefully, Tony was horrified as he watched her begin to bend backwards, her arms reaching over her head and out behind her. The gap between the two bunk beds was less than three foot and, as Tony suddenly realized what she was about to do, he held his breath, not daring to speak lest it startled her. As her hands reached the rungs of the ladder on the other bed, she suddenly resembled an arched bridge. Taking a deep breath, Tony found his voice again.

"What the hell, Ziva!" he whispered crossly. "You'll break your neck!"

"No I won't," she said, her voice slightly strained from the stretch in her body.

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