Ziva's Revenge

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Chapter 15 - Ziva's Revenge

"Have you heard how Rory and the others are today?" asked Tony.

The four of them were sitting at the table enjoying Jack's treat of bacon, eggs and pancakes with maple syrup.

"Well, according to Mac this morning," began Jack, "The Johnson boys are being kept in the hospital for observation but should be home either late today or tomorrow. Matt Tucker's surgery went well but he's still listed as critical but stable. They've relieved the pressure on his brain and put him in an induced coma. Only time will tell."

"What does induced coma mean?" asked Tony, picking up a piece of bacon and chewing off the crispy end.

"It's when they keep you unconscious so that your brain can have a chance to heal," replied Gibbs.

"I'm full Daddy," interrupted Ziva, pushing away her half empty plate.

"I'm not surprised," said Gibbs laughing. "Grandpa gave you a huge serve. You've done well to eat that much."

"She's a growing child Leroy," retorted Jack. "Needs a good start to the morning. We can't all survive on coffee, Son."

"Dad, I'll have you know that since Tony and Ziva have been with me, I've made sure to eat a good breakfast each day," defended Gibbs.

"That's only because Mom makes you," said Tony grinning. Ignoring the glare from his Dad, he leaned over and picked out the bacon from Ziva's plate.

"So," began Gibbs, changing the subject. "What shall we do today?"

"Something outside," replied Tony.

Gibbs laughed.

"Bit sick of the four walls of a room hey Tony?"

"Ah huh!" exclaimed Tony. "I don't ever want to see your room again! No offence Grandpa, but that is one boring room!"

"None taken Tony," replied Jack smirking. "And I guess you know what to do to avoid spending more time in there, right?"

"Yep!" said Tony.

"Can we go for a drive somewhere?" asked Ziva.

"That sounds like a good idea Sweet Pea," replied Gibbs. "There's some caves about an hour and a half's drive away, how about we go there?"

"Caves?" questioned Tony. "What kind of caves."

"Crystal caves," replied Gibbs. "They were discovered about 140 years ago and you can walk through them and take tours. I remember going when I was young."

"That sounds good Daddy," said Ziva, pushing away from the table. "I'm going to get ready."

"Me too," agreed Tony. Grabbing the last two bits of bacon from his plate, he pushed back his chair and raced off to join Ziva.

"You don't mind do you Dad?" asked Gibbs as he collected the children's plates and scraped the leftover food into the trash.

"Not at all Son," replied Jack. "I think it's a good idea to get them out of town for a while. Do you all good."

Gibbs smiled at his father as he stacked the plates in the sink and began to run the water. Just as he was putting in the detergent, the familiar 'ding' of the store's door rang through the room.

"Duty calls," said Jack as he slowly stood from the table. Groaning slightly, he steadied himself on the chair before making his way to the store saying as he went, "These old bones aren't what they used to be."

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