Chapter 1 - Welcome Aboard, Len!

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"Okay class," Mr. Ventura started, "today we have a new student. He hails from the East Coast, New Hampshire to be exact, and I expect you all to give him a warm welcome. Come in, Mr. Sanders." And so the new kid walked in. He looked as if he could fight Chuck Norris and would not have received a single scratch. Muscular. Short hair, spiky in the front, just like my hair, except there was something about it that looks ... well, it looks like it's not clean. He wore light blue jeans, a regular T-shirt and had a backpack over one shoulder. Your average Jocky. 

Brandon yelled out, "Hey new kid! 'You got a name besides Mr. Sanders?" The class clown has spoken. Everyone started giggling a little. Even the new kid smirked. 

"Yeah. I have a name, wise guy. It's Len." He replied. 

"What kind of name is that?" The class clown mocked. "Only a stupid mot-" He was about to continue with his joke but Len was already at his seat. 

"Finish that sentence and see what happens." He said with a snarl. I noticed his hands were curled into a tight fist. 

I jumped up. "Hey." I said. "Len, this is Brandon, the class clown. Sorry he got on your nerves, he does the same for everyone in this school." I said defensively. 

"Yeah, Len." A voice pitched in from the side. It was Mel, one of my close friends and group mate. "Jeez, on his first day to school and he's already finding people he wants to kill." she sighed. "Brandon, apologize." 

"Sorry." Brandon said weakly, without even looking at Len. 

"It's alright." Len said calmly. "Look, we just got off on a bad start. Let's just pretend this didn't happen, okay?" He said extending a hand out at Brandon for a handshake. 

"Yeah, let's." Brandon said reluctantly, looking sad. 

"Alright, now that this is all settled," Mr. Ventura started, "Len, why don't you sit behind Vivi and Andy? Can you two raise your hands so Len can see where you are?" They did. They were also my close friends and group mates.

"Alright." Len said and went to his seat. 

'Hey Len," Andy said as he turned around to greet our new classmate, "I'm Andy Tran, and this is my girlfriend, Vivian Hong. Nice to meet you."

"Nice to meet you, Len." Vivi said with a smile.

"It's nice to meet you both." Len said with a smile of his own. "Say, I hope you don't mind me asking, but who were the two that jumped out at me and made Brandon apologize?" 

"Oh, those are our close friends, Tristan and Melinda, but they go by Tetris and Mel." Vivi replied.

"Oh I see. Hmm.." Len said, then drifted off. Could these four be the ones we are seeking for? He was so deep in thought that he didn't notice Andy calling him.

"Len?" Andy called again.

"Huh? What? I'm sorry, I was too busy thinking." He said weakly. "What's up, Andy?"

"Where did you get those contacts?" Andy asked.

"Contacts?" Len returned.

"Yeah! Those yellow contacts that make your eyes look like an anime character!" Andy said with a chuckle.

"!!!!!!!!!" Len looked alarmed. "Oh these? Haha yeah, I like to wear these contacts a lot. I bought them online." He replied with a weak laugh.

"Oh! They look good on you!" Vivi said with a smile.

"Thank you." Len muttered. I must keep my transformation down, otherwise my cover will be blown. 

But still, these four ... they highly resemble those four from the scroll of dawning. Could they be ... ?

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