Chapter 2 - Len, is that you?!

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"Man, I had a blast today." Len said after we had visited the last location on Mel's list. "Thank you guys for showing me around the town." 

"No thanks necessary, Len." I said with a smile. "We're just glad you had a great time." 

"Yeah! We need to hang out more, y'know, get to know each other more." Mel said with a nudge of Len's shoulder. 

"Duely noted!" Len replied with a smile. 

We were all laughing when there was some rustling in the bushes behind us. We all turned towards it, all on edge. "Who's there?!" I shouted. The rustling stopped.

"I'll go check it o-" Andy almost finished but I stepped in. 

"Sorry, Andy, but no. There has been a recent sightings of wolves nearby. I'm not gonna let you do this, stand down." I said with authority. Andy stepped back behind me. "If anything happens, I want you guys to run, understand?" They all reluctantly nodded and agreed.

I stepped forward. The rustling continued and got more frenzied as I kept approaching. Then, it leaped out.

"Oh, shit! Guys run!" I yelled back. It was indeed a wolf, but this was no ordinary wolf. It was huge! On it's hind legs, it looks as if it could double me in height. I grabbed a branch on the ground nearby and stood between my friends and its hungry, frothing mouth. 

"Tetris!" A voice rang out from behind me. It was Len. "I can't stand by and watch this. Sorry, but I'm not familiar with the rules, so you'll have to forgive me on this one." 

I was shocked, but snapped out of it and stood side by side with Len against this beast. Just then, Len pulled my shoulder back and threw me back at the others.

"Tetris, I now know for certain you four are the ones. Let me take this battle. You go protect your friends. I will join you later. I promise." Len said without looking back.

"What?!" Vivi yelled. "That's crazy talk! We're not going to abandon a friend in this situation!"

"You guys consider me a friend, right?" Len asked. 

"Wha-" Andy stammered, "this isn't the time for that! Yes we're friends, that's why we've got to-" Andy was about to finish but Len cut in.

"Then you have to trust me. There's a secret I must tell you, but you have to trust me on this." Len said as he lunged at the wolf. 

"Come on!" I said as I pulled Mel's, Vivi's and Andy's arm running away. "He said he'll catch up to us and he will. Let's get going!" 

Mel turned around and yelled back, "You had better catch up, Len!" She then caught up to the rest of us. 


A few hours later we gathered in the park. It was getting dark soon and we were all worried about what had happened to Len. No one said a word when we met up. We didn't have to. We all knew what was on each other's mind: Is Len okay? Just then, I got a text from him. 

"Guys! Len just texted me!" I burst through the silence and darkness.

"What?!" Mel yelled at me. "What did he say?" 

"He's badly injured." I say with a tone of regret. "We need to find him."

"Already on it." Vivi said. She was using her powers to track Len's location. "He's just a few miles away from us!" She finally yelled.

"Which direction?!" Andy asked.

"Thirty-Four degrees North of where Mel is facing." Vivi said as she pointed in the direction we needed to go. 

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