Chapter 8 - Meet The Beta

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It was still bright and early when the sun shined right down on my face. I turned my head and saw that Cathi was on my arm, sound asleep still. I didn't want to wake her up so I just stayed there thinking about the events of yesterday. 

Did everything really happen like that? I thought. Was it just a dream? I touched my neck and there were bite marks all over on both sides. I looked down at Cathi and she, too, had the same marks on her neck. Damn ... I caused her to have those marks. I really need to control that animalistic side. I stared at the ceiling, and then a memory came back to me. Oh God ... Last night ... I trailed off thinking about last night. It was more intense than it was the first time. More biting and scratching. More heat. More bodies touching. More pleasure. More ... of everything. I was starting to get aroused when Cathi stirred. Okay. Calm down, Tristan. I jeered myself. Her hand moved over that area. 

"Heel, boy." Cathi teased in a sleepy voice that didn't help my arousal. "It's bright and early and you're already this excited. I need to train you some more then." I blushed as she snuggled me and hugged me tight.

"What are you talking about?" I tried to play it off. 

"Oh you know what I'm talking about." She continued to tease. "It's alright. You'll be fine in time." She leaned up and gave me a kiss on the cheek. I blushed, turned and gave her a kiss on the forehead. "Say, Tetris," she started, "Do you really think we are who the Moon Goddess paired up?"

"Well," I started to reply, "the way I see it, there's two possibilities. One is that we are paired up and it was meant to be. If it is this, then I'm glad that we have met." I looked down and smiled at her. She blushed and smiled back. 

"So, what's the other possibility?" She asked earnestly. She was feeling the scar on my chest, the rough edges where discoloration had taken place.

"The other possibility is that we aren't paired up ..." I paused. "But somehow, we change it so that we are." I smiled as she gasped. I leaned down and gave her a passionate kiss. 

"Well, it's time to get up. We're heading to the new hideout today." Cathi said as she got up from bed. I got up as well and started to change right next to her. She was only up to my shoulder and her long hair was swaying back and forth as she looked at the mirror to help her tie it into a ponytail. She turned to look at me staring right at her. "What?"

"Nah, it's nothing." I said as I smiled and continued to change boxers. 

"No, come on, tell me!" She whined. 

"It's just, I don't know. With you by my side, I feel a little more at home." I said as I smiled deeply. I didn't look at her, just focused on changing, but I could feel like she was smiling at me. 

"Wow, even you have a soft side." Cathi said, sounding quite surprised, but glad at the same time.

"Haha, you'll get to see it first hand soon enough, but I always like to treat everyone with respect." I said. "I mean, yeah that's normally what you're supposed to do, but nowadays, people are just so ..." I paused. "Meh, I don't even know what to say." 

"Then don't." she said as she leaned in and our eyes locked again. It was a really intense moment until there was a knock at the door. It was Andy.

"You two awake yet?" He called into our room. I came over to unlock the door and there was Andy in a tank top and shorts. His neck was covered in bite marks also.

"Well look at you, Mr. Lucky Butt." I mocked him. "I see you and Vivi went wild."

"Oh shut up." He said as he pouted, turned red and looked away. "Anyways, we're heading out soon. Pack your things. We're demolishing this place once we clear the premesis."

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