Chapter 3 - Truths Revealed!

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I woke up a few hours later just to find I was still in my room but on my bed now. Everyone else was in the living room and talking, relaxing and having dinner. I struggled to get up and walk down the stairs to greet everyone.

"Hey, don't start the fun without me, you knitwits." I managed to say as I slowly decended the stairs. 

"Tetris!" Mel yelled out. "Are you alright?!" Len came over and helped me over to the couch.

"Jeez, please don't yell, Mel. I have a splitting headache." I groaned. "But yes, I'm doing fine. Thanks for asking." I looked around. Everyone had a concerned expression on their faces and was just looking at me. "I think it's more appropriate of me to ask if you guys are okay."

"Huh?" Vivi asked. "What do you mean?" 

"Your expressions." I said with a sad tone in my voice. "Are you guys okay?"

"Yeah," Andy replied, "we were just worried about you, that's all." 

"Oh," I said sadly. "I'm sorry I worried you guys." 

"It's okay," Mel said with a weak smile. "As long as you're okay, then we're fine, Tetris." It looked like she was holding back tears. I walked over to give her a hug. 

"Aww, you two look cute right now, Tetris." Andy teased.

"Yeah, want a picture?" Vivi continued with the teasing.

"Haha, very funny." I reiterated sarcastically. "It's time to get down to business." I looked over at Len, who was just smirking at us.

"I've got to hand it to you, Tetris, you were quite ballsy to have spent twenty minutes using your life force without resting." Len said as he extended a hand out at me. "Thank you. I owe you a lot."

I accepted the handshake. "Don't thank me. Mel and Vivi were the ones that did all the work." I replied with a smirk of my own.

"Ahh, of course, thank you guys as well." Len said after we finished shaking hands. "If it weren't for any of you guys, I wouldn't be here right now. Thank you all." 

"It's not a problem." Mel and Vivi said.

"Any time bro." Andy replied with a smile.

"Okay," I started, "Now that that is out of the way, we need to get down to business." I said in a very professional tone. Everyone grabbed their own seat, all facing towards Len. "Len, just who are you?"

"Well it should seem like I be the one that starts." He said. "Alright. Well as you know, I'm Len Sanders. I'm not from New Hampshire, however. That's my first lie. The second lie was the contacts." He said as he looked at Vivi and Andy. "These ... aren't contact lens." He closed his eyes for a bit and reopened them, now with bright yellow pupils. 

"!!!!!!" I was alarmed at the sight. "So you are a werewolf." I said calmly.

"Correct." Len said as he reverted his transformation. "You're smarter than you appear, Tetris." 

"Thanks." I said, unamused. 

"But I thought werewolves didn't exist!" Vivi said.

"Well, you're looking at one right now." Len said calmly. 

"See Vivi! I told you that werewolves existed." Mel said with a giggle. "And they're not hairy either!"

"Bleh." Vivi replied.

"Anyways," Len continued, "I'm not here to attend school or anything. I just needed to confirm something. You four are prophecized in a scroll called the Scroll of Dawning." Len paused to let us soak all of the information in. 

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