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Okay. Hi girls. Hahaha Yong mga babasa nito ay alam na. Anyway, don't get confused why did I search about this kind of stuffs. Yup. Like other normals girls I do have a crush too. Tch. But fortunately its not a big deal to me if he likes me back or not. I know my father will freak out and  transform into a monster if he finds out that I'm flirting with boys. Well, if you don't know I'm always isolated. I hate facing people specially in crowds. I just wanted to stay in my haven (my room). Lock myself in there and write something.

I'm getting more talkative now but before it gets worst let's proceed to our topic. (Lol)

So anyway here it goes.

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Note: The following tips are not mine. But I have my opinion under the tips.  Just wanted to share my abnormalities to you. XD


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