Step 11&12

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Do your makeup and hair. If you don't wear makeup in school, (or even at all) do not come in one day with your face full of makeup. It will make it look like you're trying too hard. If you want to wear makeup, do it gradually, and don't do it just for him. There are plenty of guys that prefer the natural look, anyway. The hair is very important, also. You can wear it curled, straightened, etc., but it's more important to just keep it clean and tangle-free!

➡Let me give you a trivia. ("Nams's Life Trivia" lol. 😂😂) "Most of the guys don't like clowns." And if I say clowns. Not literally but I'm referring to those girls who wears too much make ups. Like yong parang sinampal ng ilang libong beses dahil sa pula ng pisngi. Yong parang nasuntok dahil dumudugo na ang lips dahil sa pula. (No offense but I think that those girls don't know the word simple.) So anyway, like I said. Be natural and simple because simplicity is beauty.


Compliment him. But only rarely. It will keep him on his toes, and make it more special. Only compliment him if you can think of something specific. Tell him he's really good at reading your emotions, or that you love how his sweater matches his eyes and you can't stop staring.

➡Whews. Tell him that he's damn hot! Like whooot! Whooot! 😂😂 Kidding. Anyway, Just compliment him rarely. He might be overwhelmed and think that he's just too handsome. That'll surely will lead him being an conceited jerk. What I'm trying to say is baka lomobo ang ulo ni manong pag inaraw-araw mo. You'll look like stupid if you do that. Stating the obvious. Lol 😂😂

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Nam ;)

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