Step 4&5

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Give him the signs. Look at him during class or in the halls. Wait for his eyes to meet yours and then smile and look away. Compliment him. Say something like "Hey, those Nikes look cute on you." Ask him if he wants an orange Starburst and don't give him the orange one. Little things like that will work.

No Comment. XD


If you feel like he likes you back,tell him that you like him and hopefully he'll ask you out. If not, don't be crushed. You are still awesome and any guy would be lucky to go out with a girl like you! Keep your head high!

➡Ay nasan ang Maria Clara? T.T
But this one is really hard. Confessing your feelings to your crush? So hard. In that time doon na papasok ang mga what if's. What if he will reject me? Paano kung ipahiya niya ako? Paano kung hindi na niya ako kausapin o tingnan man lang after kung magtapat? What if he doesn't like me  back? Di'ba ang rami? But love is all about taking a risk. Paano mo malalaman kung hindi mo susubukan di'ba? Try to approach him XD Eh baka sakaling tumalab ang gayuma. Di joke. XD There's nothing wrong in trying. Wag maging chicken. (Probably me.) But if he doesn't really like you back. Then so be it. Don't forced someone to like you back. Hindi ka naman siguro sardenas para isiksik yang sarili mo sa kanya.

Note from pretty Nam: There's a  lot of tadpoles in the pond. XD


HOW (To Get The Guy You Like to Like You Back.)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon