Step 3&4

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When you know you can talk to him, try to become his friend and tell him about your day so far.

➡No comment ako. Hahaha


Watch out for the friend zone. The friends zone is not a good place to be for too long, because if you're in there for a while, you could be stuck there.

➡Ito uso ngayon. Capital FRIEND ZONE. I know how does it feels. No, not that I already experience it but it is because I'm sensitive enough to know how does it feels. Its either mahal ka niya or ma friend zone ka. You can avoid the friend zone in different tactics. You will pursue him. But learn to know when to fight and when to give up. There's nothing wrong in loving guys. Okay? Its just its not always been good to everyone. Love might be the reason of your falls and it might destroy you. Pwede ring inspiration. It depends on how a person handle it.

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