Step 5,6&7

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Tease him a little. Emphasis on a little. No guy likes a girl who's too nice, or who's too mean for that matter. Playfully make fun of him once on the date/outing. Pretend to be upset with him for a minute if he apologizes for something stupid, then laugh at him and say you were kidding.


Be flirty. Make sure you touch him in cute ways, like fixing his hair or feeling the material on his clothes. If he leans back or steps away, then stop. Be sure not touch him in inappropriate ways, this could definitely send the wrong message, and it possibly will get you in deep trouble. Once you get closer and start holding hands, be sure to use a firm grip. Stroke the side of his hand with your thumb.


Try MSN. If you don't already have his MSN, then get it! A great way to flirt on MSN is by playing 20 Questions! Ask him things like what he thinks you like, or who he thinks is cute. Just don't go too overboard! You should just use questions like that occasionally, or he may feel like he's been put on the spot.

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