Step 6&7

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If he's shy and you know it, he may not feel comfortable telling anyone about you! That's okay. You can help him get less shy by hanging out with him. Ask him if he wants to play tag or another game like that unless the guy you like is 17.


Sound normal the first few times you talk to him. Turn it up a little, but not too much. Don't be on him a lot, then eventually increase. Also, when you talk to him, have your feet facing him, but off to the side by about half an inch. You also shouldn't always look down. If you look down, look at something off in the distance, but keep your face or head level with his. You'll do great.

No comment to the both step. XD

▶Just try to apply this one. It might work. And if not, sisihin niyo si Wikihow. Hahaha lol.


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