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Note: Again and again this tips are not mine so ©to the owner. Why did I wrote it here? It's because I want to share it to you guys. It might work. Right?

So anyway, according to the page. Here are the question that has been ask to them. Read it. You might have the same question or in the same situation. ;)


▶But what if the guy I like is literally my BFF's crush? I haven't told her in any way that I like him. She would be aggrieved if I did.

Answered by wikiHow Contributor:

It's best to be honest with a BFF than to hide things. Just tell her that you like him too but say it like you're not over the top in love, just sort of keen on him. Most of all, tell her that you don't want this to ruin your friendship but that it's really up to him to decide and that if he likes her, you'll be fine and hope she'll be fine too if he likes you. Still, at day's end, don't fall out over it––always put your BFF before a guy.

▶What if the guy has a girlfriend already? How do you get to know that he likes you too?

Answered by wikiHow Contributor

✅Plainly put, if he has a girlfriend, it's a statement that he does not like anyone else. If he did not like the girl he was dating, he would likely break up with her. The reality of this is - would you feel secure with a guy who suddenly liked you while he was dating someone else? That would not say great things about his character! It would also cause you to wonder if he would do the same thing to do you.

▶What if you suspect he likes someone else?

Answered by wikiHow Contributor

Well you can't really do anything about it if this is true. If he does like someone else, be realistic about it: if you can do something about it, do something proactives about it and if you can't do anything about it, there's no point worrying about it. Either way, things will come right, as they should be.

#AngHirapNgMayCrush. 😂😂

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