Chapter 6: Leon

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You wake up once again in the middle of the night. You are getting tired of this. Why do you keep waking up? You look out the window. There he is. The hooded man. You look at your alarm clock. Midnight. Exactly. It's always midnight or a smidge bit later. And that's also when you always wake up.
You watch the man outside, and watch every puff of smoke he takes. The sight and faint smell is somehow calming to you. You are almost asleep, when the man turn around. You can't see his face, but he looks about Vincent's height. It has to be Vincent. There's nobody else that could be standing out there right now.
Watching Vincent, you soon fall asleep.
You wake up early, and get around for school nonetheless, and you leave a note for your mom that says you left early. You send a quick message to Vincent to make sure he doesn't wait for you.
"I'm on my way to school early, so you don't need to wait for me." He doesn't reply.
You walk to school, but you get the feeling that you aren't alone. The feeling continues until you have to look behind you. There is no-one. You realize that you are probably just paranoid to be walking all alone to school. You are relieved when you get to school, but the feeling doesn't go away.
You sit with your normal gang at lunch, and Vincent talks to you.
"Hey, do you want to come over after school?"
"Sure!I'd love to!"
"Awesome. I can't wait."
"Hey, watcha guys talking about?" Jackson cuts in.
"Nothing." You say as you change the subject.
"So... How's Sycamore (f/n)?"
You talk about the puppy until lunch is over. Nobody talks much that day, you and Vincent don't even talk that much on the way back home from school, but as you get closer to his house he starts talking.
"Okay... I don't have much to do... So you might get bored."
"I doubt it."
Vincent opens and holds his houses front door open for you. You walk in.
To your left there is a kitchen, and in front of you there is the living room. Beyond that there is a bathroom, a bedroom, and a staircase.
"Alright well... Make yourself at home, I'll be right back."
"Okay." You say as you sit down on the living room couch. Vincent's house does smell a bit like cigarette smoke, and you don't see his parents. You figure they are probably in town.
After a minute you can hear Vincent coming back down the stairs. You turn to look at him... But... He looks different. And as soon as you make eye contact, you realize it isn't Vincent at all. The man has blue eyes and long hair like Vincent. In fact, they look extremely similar except that this man has a scar down his eye, and his clothing style is different. He wears a skin-tight t-shirt, and he wears black skinny jeans.
"H-hi." You say.
"H-h-hi." He stutters back. He's frozen mid-step and he looks kind of silly. That's when Vincent walks down the stairs.
"(Y/n) this is my brother, Leon. Leon this is (y/n)."
"I didn't know you had a brother Vincent."
"Yeah... He's sixteen. A year younger than us."
"Oh cool. Well, it's nice to meet you Leon."
"Yeah! Nice to meet you too..." Leon says as he puts his hands in his pockets and looks away.
Leon has quite a bit of muscle, like his brother. And it's pretty crazy how alike the brothers look. You could almost call them twins.
"Well... You guys want to play some video games?" Vincent asks. You and Leon both agree, and you sit between them on the couch, and you all laugh and play video games together. You realize that they are both way better at video games than you are. You eventually just started to watch the two of them play with each other, and sometimes against each other. They were both equally good.
Jackson texts you.
"Hey... (Y/n)?"
"Are you doing anything tonight?"
Before you can reply, Leon snatches the phone from you, stands up, and holds it up as far as he can reach so you can't get it. He's a bit taller than Vincent, and Vincent is a few inches taller than you. He's definitely tall.
"Hey! You big dummy, give me my phone!"
He laughs.
"Haha no way!"
"Leon!" You growl trying to jump up to reach the phone.
"Leon..." Vincent says a bit warningly.
"Fine... You want the phone?"
"Then... Come get it!" Leon starts running out the door, and you follow him into the streets and you begin laughing as you chase him. Sure, he's got your phone, bit it is fun messing around with him.
Eventually, you can't keep running. So, you stop chasing after Leon. He stops too, when he realized you arent following him. He smiles back at you.
"Can... I... Have... My... Phone... Now?" You ask between heaving breaths.
"Maybe... What do I get in exchange?" He asks with a teasing look on his face.
"What do you want?"
"Hmm... How about a date?"
"What?" You ask surprised.
"You heard me."
"Fine, just please give me my phone."
"Alright. Friday. After school." He hands you your phone. You smile at him and you walk back to his house together. You stay for a bit longer with him and Vincent, then you go on home.

---Yandere POV---
Man, that guy has balls asking out my (y/n). He cannot have her! She's mine. After (y/n) left, I found another pair of long gloves, and I also found some old shoes that are two sizes too big, but oh well. When (y/n) first made friends with Jackson and (f/n) I made sure to get their addresses, in case they tried anything stupid. Now, I'm glad I have the ability to take them down. Jackson first, then (f/n). They both need to go before they try to get closer to (y/n). I start heading to Jackson's house now, since it's getting dark. I stick to the shadows and make sure nobody notices me. It's cold outside tonight, but not to the point where it's unbearable. The cold wind is actually kind of refreshing.
Soon, Jackson's house comes into view. His room is in the upper level of his house, so I'm going to have to sneak through the house, or climb up to the window. I think going through the house will be the easiest route, so I make my way to the back door.
To my surprise, it's unlocked. People are so dumb these days. I sneak up the staircase and up to Jackson's blue, sporty room.
I pull out my pocket knife, and I begin to go with the normal slit-throat approach, when I realize he needs to die knowing that (y/n) is mine. I put the blade to his neck, and wake him up. As soon as he sees me, his eyes go wide. I put my index finger up to my lips.
"(Y/n) is my love. Not yours. Not anyone else's. I'm sorry, but you could get in the way of our sweet future."
I slit Jackson's throat quick. Then I escape the house and head home quickly. Again, I take care of all evidence. Before I sleep I get one of my cigarettes and head outside to the lamp post to smoke.

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