Chapter 10 The Yandere Comes

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"One... This is my place. Two... That's my woman."
You turn to look at who spoke. You gasp. It's Vincent . The whole world seems as if it had gotten darker. He's sitting on a cement block of sorts, and his eyes seem to glow as if they were stars. His hair is an ebony color under the moon. He flicks a cigarette from his hand, stands up, and frowns.
"Come here (y/n)."
You look at Leon.
You do as they both say, and walk to Vincent.
"Leon. She is mine."
"I heard you the first time, Vincent."
"Making sure you understand that, brother."
"What are you going here?" Leon asks.
"Well, I can't just let my beloved (y/n) go off alone with my little brother now can I?"
"How did you get here so fast? How did you know where we were?"
"I always know where my (y/n)."
You look back at Vincent.
"V-Vincent. You're scaring me. T-this is just a joke right?"
"No, it's not a joke." Leon answers for him.
"I'm taking her home, Leon. When you come in the house, come in quietly."
"What are you going to do?!" Leon yelled.
Vincent glares at him.
"Shut up. I don't need a little punk like you getting in my way. "
Vincent takes your hand, which makes your heart beat a bit faster, and leads you off the roof. He's got a car you've never seen before, and it looks fast. He opens the door, and shoves you in. He gets in the driver's side.
"Put on your seat belt." He says.
Vincent drives you all the way back to his house and drags you in. He pulls you up the stairs and enters the room directly at the top of the stairs. On your right on the wall there is a flat screen tv that's hooked up to an xbox 360. The Xbox is sitting on a small dresser that is filled with games. Behind that is a closet. To the left against the wall there is his bed against the wall. He slams the bedroom door behind the two of you, and turns towards you.
He cuts you off with a kiss. A gentle yet passionate kiss. You pull away.
"Vincent... Why?"
"Cant you see? Have you not realized yet?"
"I love you."
"... What?"
"I love you."
Your heart beats at the speed of light and you are having a hard time digesting what Vincent had just said. He loves you?
"I would do anything for you. I would... And I have... Killed for you."
Then, everything falls into place. Vincent, of all people, is the one who has killed your friends and Rica. He's the one. You back away from him.
"No! No, get away from me!"
As he steps closer you try to back up, but you trip on something and fall backwards. You continue to scoot back until you hit the wall.
Vincent continues to come closer and you cover your eyes with your arms. You hear something that sounds like someone falling and you look up. In front of you, Vincent is on his knees, looking at the floor.
"W-what did I do? Why are you afraid of me?" He doesn't lift his head even a little as he says this.
"Y-you killed people Vincent! My friends! What could they have possibly done to deserve death?!"
"T-they were going to hurt you."
"Rica bullied you. Jackson wanted to date you, and he would break up with you. (F/n) would have gotten a boyfriend and left you behind like a piece of trash."
"Y-you killed them for me?"
This is all my fault.
If only I hadn't made friends with them. They would still be here. Why did things have to turn out like this?
"I-I'm sorry (y/n). I didn't want to kill them. But I wanted you to be happy in the long run."
"Vincent it's very, very wrong to kill people!"
"I know..."
"I don't understand Vincent."
"D-don't hate me..." He says in a cracked voice. You then notice a single tear fall on the floor. He's crying?
You hesitantly reach for his chin and make him look at you. He is crying. His deep blue eyes are welling up with continuous tears, and in them is pure regret and sadness. That's when you realize that Vincent is still Vincent. No matter what, deep down, he is still Vincent.
You wipe away Vincent's tears and pull him to you. You hug him and allow him to bury his face in your shoulder. He wraps his arms around you. You stay like that with him for quite awhile before he pulls away.
There is still pain in his eyes when he speaks to you.
"W-why? After everything. Why? Why do you s-still a-accept m-me?"
"Because you're Vincent."
"W-what's that supposed to mean?"
"It means that no matter what happens, you are still the great guy I've come to know."
"You'll never love me though."
"B-but... I... I already... I already do love you..." Your heart beats fast and your face gets red.
"What?" His eyes are filled with surprise and hope.
"I know we've only known each other for a short while, but I've came to really trust you."
"Y-you're... Serious?"
Vincent leans forward and kisses you over and over again, until eventually he stops. He stands up and heads to the closet. He comes back out, not only wearing just sweat pants himself, but carrying some sweat pants, and a big shirt too.
"Here." He says handing you the large shirt and the sweat pants.
"Put these on. Get comfortable." He says as he leaves the room.
You change into the clothes he gave you, take your shoes off, and hesitantly walk to sit on his bed.
"Y-you can come back in now." You tell him.
Vincent comes back in and smiles.
"You ready to go to bed?"
"Yeah, I'm pretty worn out."
"I can sleep on the floor, you can have the bed."
"A-are you sure?"
"It won't bother me if you sleep... Next to me." You choose your words carefully. Your face goes beat red.
"You're positive?" He asks.
"Yeah." You reply.
He walks to the side of the bed and pulls the covers back. He lays down and pats the place beside him. You lay down by him. The fact that he isn't wearing a shirt makes you nervous, because he really is good looking. You can't look away from him.
"Go to sleep (y/n)." Vincent says as he pulls you close and strokes your hair. Soon, you fall asleep in his warm, strong arms.

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