Chapter 8: Their Feelings

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---Normal POV---
You wake up to yelling outside, and you quickly get worried as you realize that's is not just any two people fighting, it's Vincent and Leon. You look out your window and your confusion rises to a whole new level. Both Vincent and Leon are wearing the same black hoody. You listen in on them.
"You shouldn't be out this late, Leon."
"One, you aren't my father. Two, you were out just as late as I was." Leon snaps back.
"F-fine. Whatever. I-I'm going to bed. Now, please, d-do the same." Vincent says as he walks back inside.
Leon kicks a nearby trashcan, gets it a cigarette, and lights it. By now, you are wide awake, and you are worried about Leon and Vincent. Should you go talk to one of them?
You open your window, and climb out. You know that the man outside is Leon, because you know he's taller than Vincent, and you recognize their voices. You are cold as soon as the night air hits your skin, and goosebumps form on your skin.
"L-Leon?" You say as you get closer to him.
He sees you and he smiles with the cigarette still in his mouth.
"What are you doing out so late, (y/n)?"
"W-well... I heard some yelling... And..."
"Yeah. You knew it was us. Sorry. We didn't mean to wake you up." Leon says looking down at the ground.
"It's okay, I usually wake up around this time at night anyway...Do you and Vincent both smoke?"
"No, just me."
"Thats bad for you, you know?"
"Yeah, but it helps with stress."
"There are other ways to deal with stress, Leon."
"Hmm. I guess."
"Are you okay?" You ask looking up at him.
"Yeah... I'm just tired."
"Go to bed."
"I can never sleep."
"Is there something that's always bothering you?" You ask.
"I don't know... Not exactly. I worry about things all the time, but I try not to let it get to me."
"You need to relax. I bet if you got completely relaxed you'd be out like a rock."
"Probably, but I'm never completely relaxed."
"That's a problem then isn't it?"
"Maybe you could help me with that." Leon says jokingly. You smile at his words, and he smiles at you. But then he gets serious again.
"I'm only half-kidding." He takes a puff of smoke, then continues talking.
"Theres one thing I want from this life, and that's someone that lives me back. Everyone I've ever dated was either using me, or not serious."
"That's terrible!" You say a bit angrily.
"Yeah, well... I kind of got used to it. I just stopped talking to people. Vincent has told me a lot about you though, that's why I asked you out on a date, because you seemed cool. I'm holding you to that by the way. The dates still on this Friday."
You blush a little, and your heart starts pounding as you step closer to him a bit.
"Not all girls are jerks, Leon."
"I know. I realized that when I met you. Even though I've only known you for a little while..." He looks away again as he says the last sentence.
"Go to bed, Leon. I'll talk to you tomorrow okay?"
"Alright... If you insist, I'll try to get some sleep."
"Good." You give him a brief hug, then you sneak back in to your room through the window. You shut the window and watch Leon toss the cigarette down, and step on it to put it out. He goes inside. You lay down and think about the emotional side of Leon. You wonder if him and Vincent fought often, and you worried that someday one of their arguments could lead to physical harm.
You get a text from an unknown number. "Goodnight. Friday. Still a done deal."
You realize it had to be Leon, and you laugh to yourself. Leon is someone who seems like a stoic, so it really surprised you when he suddenly said all of that stuff.

---Leon POV---
After I take a hot shower, I put on my boxers and an old pair of shorts. I lay down on my bed and I think about the events of that day. I realize that I showed quite a bit of weakness around (y/n), but I guess it doesn't matter... Considering we could end up dating after Friday night. That would be a dream come true. I fall asleep, thinking of her.

---Vincent POV---

As I lay in my bed, I worry about Leon. He hasn't been sleeping that much lately, but I guess I haven't either. I also worry about him smoking. And I worry about (y/n).
I think I know why I can't sleep. I worry too much about everything. I think back to how (y/n) has to be feeling now. She must be really sad... I think about her as I fall asleep.

---Normal POV---
You have a new perspective of the hooded man. Or, you guess, the hooded men. You realize that if it was Leon or Vincent that was burning something the other night, it couldn't have been that bad. You soon fall asleep, feeling releaved.

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