Chapter 9: The Date

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"Oh (y/n)! It's terrible!" Your mother bursts into your bedroom and wakes you up.
"(F/n) is dead!"
No. No. No. No. No. No. No. NO. Why her?! Of all people... Why her..?
You begin to cry again, and your mom leaves. She shuts the door behind her. After awhile there's a tapping on your window. You look over to the window and see Vincent.
You hobble over to your window and open it. Vincent climbs in. He instantly hugs you, and puts his hand on the back of your head and pulls you close to him. You hang on to the back of his shirt and weep. You can hear Vincent's heart beat speed up a bit.
You cry for who knows how long, and Vincent stays with you the entire time.
"Why her? Why Jackson? They didn't do anything..."
"It's okay... It's okay..." Vincent hushes you in a soothing tone. You soon manage to calm down.
"Thank you Vincent."
He lets go of you, and you can see his face is a bit red. Today, you realize, Vincent is only wearing A regular t-shirt and he still has his long pj's on.
"I-I came as soon as I h-heard..." Vincent says.
"Thanks again Vincent."
"You're welcome (y/n). Any time."
You look Vincent in his eyes, and you wonder what he's thinking. Vincent starts to take a step towards you, when your mom walks back in. She lets out a yell of surprise.
"How the hell did you get in here?!" She asks Vincent angrily.
"T-the... Window..." He says looking down...
"Well, don't do it again. Now, get out!" Your mom complains.
"Mom... He's fine. Don't worry."
Your mother looks between the two of you, then after a minute she sighs and leaves. You look back at Vincent, who is already looking at you.
"Are you okay?" He asks.
"Yes... I'm okay. It's just that... All my friends are dying! What if... What if... What if it's you or Leon they kill next?!" You say as you start crying again.
"Now, (y/n) stop it!" He grabs your chin and tilts it up so you are looking him in the eyes.
"Stop... We are going to be okay. Alright?" You nod, and he lets go of you. He hugs you again.
You hug him back. You are happy that Vincent is here with you. If he wasn't, you'd weep all day.
When you calm down, Vincent grants your mother's wish and leaves. You don't go to school. You don't think you could bear to sit at that awful lunch table.

Around six at night, you get a text from Leon.
"Get ready to have fun. I'll be over in 10."
"Only ten minutes?!" You rush around the house, your mom watching as you go back and forth from the bathroom and your room. You end up getting ready just in time, and there's a knock on the door.
"Have fun... But not too much fun." Your mom winks and smiles.
Your mother laughs as you head out the door. The sun is about to set, and the sky is beautiful. You smile at him, and he smiles back. Tonight, Leon has his bangs swept to the right side of his face, the side he has the scar on, and he's wearing his black skinny jeans, combat boots, a tight shirt black shirt, and a fitted leather jacket.
"Y-you look... Great..." You manage.
"So do you." You didn't wear anything fancy tonight. You wore a pink tank top, a blue blouse, and a pair of your own skinny jeans. You just wore flipflops with this... Even though it's getting cold out.
"Come on beautiful. Let's go."
Your heart starts to beat faster as Leon takes your hand and starts to walk in the opposidte direction of the way you to to go to school, and we are heading away from town.
"Where are we going."
"You'll see."
Once you are well out of town, Leon tells you to close your eyes. You hesitantly do as he says. Suddenly you're floating... Leon picked you up and is now carrying you bridal style. This makes your face go a bit red.
You can't tell how long it is, before you can hear water. The sound of waves lapping against the shore. Leon slowly sets you on the ground, turns you a certain way, then says, "open your eyes."
Before you, under the most beautiful sunset in the entire world, is the water. You don't know the technical term for it right now. Ocean, sea, you don't care. The water is absolutely beautiful.
"L-Leon! It's so beautiful!"
Leon watches your face as you stare at the water in complete awe. You look at Leon and you realize that you could melt in his dark, enchanting deep blue eyes. His eyes alone seem as if they could have and entire world inside of them. The orange glow of the sunset is reflecting off of his black hair, and it gives his skin a magnificent glow. You can't see his scar, but you imagine that that too, would look beautiful tonight.
This reminds you that you don't know how Leon got the scar. You'll have to ask him about that later, but right now, you are enjoying this moment.
"I thought you'd like it here." Leon says as he sits down in the sand. You sit beside him.
"I had no idea we lived this close to water like this!" You say.
"Yeah. There are some really great places nearby."
You both watch the water and it's reflections, until it's completely dark.
"Come on. I want to show you something else."
"There's more?!" You ask happily.
"Yeah, but... We are going to have to get my bike from my house."
"You have a bike?"
"Not a kiddy bike. A motor cycle."
"You have a motor cycle?!"
"My brother and I use it when our dad isn't."
You both make your way back to town, and when you reach Leon's house everything goes silent. You see Vincent standing by the lamp post. Smoking.
"L-Leon?" You whisper."I thought you said Vincent didn't smoke."
"I-I didn't think he did. He's never, ever smoked around me before."
"Why do you think he smokes in secret?"
"I don't know..." Leon replies. After a second he keeps talking.
"Go home for a second, I'll be back over with my bike in a second. I don't want Vincent to get mad at me for some reason."
"Okay..." You do as Leon says, and head back to your house quietly. You enter the unlocked front door and wait until you hear a running motor outside of the door. You quickly go out, shut the door, and get on Leon's bike with him.
"You're probably going to want to hold on..." Leon says smiling.
You blush a bit as you wrap your arms around Leon.
"I could get used to this." Leon says.
This makes you blush more.
Soon, he takes off and leaves dust behind you.
"Close your eyes again."
"O-okay." You manage.
Before long you can hear other cars around You, and the wind dancing around you. You rest your head against Leon's back.
Leon turns off of what you'd guess was a highway, and enters a more quiet place. Before you know it, it's pretty quiet other than the normal city sounds, and Leon tells you to open your eyes and get off the bike.
You open your eyes and see that you are in a back alley-way, and pure terror shoots through your spine. Did he set this up? Is he going to hurt you? Is he going to kidnap me? Leon gets off the bike and turn to look back at you, smiling ear to ear.
He then turn his back to you and starts walking towards a ladder.
"Come on!" Leon says happily.
You hesitantly follow him up the ladder. When you reach the top, all of your doubts are instantly washed away. Leon wasn't trying to kidnap you. He was trying to show you something absolutely fantastic.
You on on the rooftop of a building that not only looks over a bridge, but the beautifully lit buildings of a city, and the many lights of the cars.
You can't even find words as you overlook the city. Leon takes your hand and leads you to the edge of the building.
"Sit." Leon says.
He sits down, scoots towards the edge of the building, and hangs his legs over. You nervously do the same. You don't let go of his hand, in case you'd somehow slip.
"This is my favorite place. I've never brought anyone here." Leon says.
"Its beautiful..."
"I'm glad you think so." He says smiling at you.
Leon's face then gets serious as he looks at you.
"So... What do you think about... Us?"
His face gets a bit pink. "Y-yeah. I mean... Do you want to... Go out?"
Your heart starts pounding. This is an official ask out. You think for a second.
"One... This is my place... And two... That's my woman." You turn towards the voice. You gasp.

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