Chapter 7

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I Saw Her Scars

Chapter 7

"Therapy mom? Really?" I said as we were walking through the door of the house.

"Rylan, you need this. I care about you, you know that."

"If you cared about me you wouldn't be treating me like some kind if freak that needs fixing!"

"Rylan, you are not a freak! No one is perfect, and there are things that we need to improve upon. This is what you needed to improve upon."

"I... Am... Fine!"

"Rylan, have you not even been questioning why you have been lashing out at me the past few days? Haven't you been feeling any different from your normal self? If we don't fix this, you and I are going to be lashing out at each other for the rest of our lives. Is that what you want?"

I didn't reply for a moment. I loved my mom, I did not want the past couple of days to be the way it was forever. I did not want to continue lashing out and I did not want her to continue to be so passive about everything. A lot of teenage boys did not have a good relationship with their mothers, and I did not want to be one of them.

I then started to cry. My emotions were all over the place, just as they were when I was on the bus this morning.

"Rylan, honey, please don't cry."

"I'm sorry mom. I'm so sorry."

"It's okay Rylan, you couldn't help it. But please, just please do this. For us."



"You remember this place?" she said to me as we walked into the clinic.

"Yeah..." I said.

Since I was still seventeen, I was still required to go to the children's clinic, the same one I went to so many years ago. I was here at least once a week, and had a lot of memories from this place.

I was still young. I have not have many life experiences, but this was the first time I truly felt the effects of nostalgia, and I did not hate the feeling.

They have repainted the place and arranged some of the furniture since I was last here, but some of the toys were still the same.

I remembered the wall maze in which you needed to turn the contraption around in order to get the ball to the finish line. I remember the game of matching in which you needed to orient the blocks to get the image you wanted. The sheep was my favourite, he made me feel calm. Lastly, remembered the black drawing board where you could draw something on it, and it would disappear a while later. That one was my favourite as it was the one where I would channel all my feelings on and that's where my best memories were.

"Hello," my mom said to the lady at the desk, "This is my son Rylan, and we have an appointment with Dr. Taylor."

She went on her computer to check her appointment, doing standard protocol.

"Alright, you can sit here in the waiting room while you wait. I apologize for not having anything in here exciting oriented towards teenage boys," she chuckled.

"I will be fine," I smiled.

We walked to the chairs and sat next to each other.

"You feeling alright?" She said smiling as she grabbed my hand.

"Yeah," I said back.

"Okay, well, I will go now and pick you up when your appointment is done. Your appointment is at 6."

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