Chapter 15:

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*Hayes' POV*

"Angele!" Skylynn yelled as she wrapped her arms around Angele's legs as we walked through the front door.

"Hey sweet heart." Angele grinned as she kneeled, hugging my little girl.

"Nice to see you too." I smiled down at the two of some of the most important girls in my life.

"Yeah yeah hi Hayes." Skylynn said simply.

"NASH! YOU'RE CORRUPTING SKY!" I called into the house.


I rolled my eyes.

"Can you guys play with me now, please?" Skylynn asked a huge smile on her face.

Angele looked up at me smiling. I looked down toward Skylynn and nodded.

"Yay!" Skylynn cheered as she made her way up the stairs.

Angele stood, "Ready?"

"Of course." I wrapped my arm around Angele's waist, she did the same as if it was the most natural thing in the world. 

I steered her up toward the stairs and up to Skylynn's room. We stepped inside, to find Skylynn looking through the dresses hanging in her closet.

She turned letting the gown in her hands drop, "Are you guys finally you know?" She said wiggling her eyebrows.

"Are we finally what?" Angele asked dropping to her knees and smiling.

"You know, Angele."

"But what if I don't know?"

"But you do." Skylynn smiled.

"Hey, I don't know." I fibbed.

Skylynn rolled her eyes, "Ugh, sorry he's kind of slow."

"Yep been hanging out with Nash way too much." Angele chuckled quietly.

"Okay Hayes, put on your outfit and Angele, what is your favorite color?" Skylynn smiled.

I smiled as I made my way over to the closet and pulled out the outfit that Skylynn was talking about, "I'll be back ladies." I smiled as I turned and made my way out of the bedroom and to the bathroom.

I slipped inside the small room and took off my dark shirt, replacing it with the white long sleeve shirt with a gold strip. I replaced my jeans with the redish colored pants, completing the prince outfit. I sighed as I looked in the mirror. The things I do for this little girl.

I sighed once more before opening the door and stepping out as I shut off the light. I walked over to Skylynn's room, pausing for a slight moment as I listened to the girls.

"We have to get the tea ready, your future husband will be here shortly Princess Angele." Skylynn said in an attempted British accent. 

"We wouldn't want him to go thirsty now would we?" Angele chuckled.

I smiled as I tapped on the door. 

"Oh dear. He's here. Princess Angele, go get the door while I hurry and finish up in here." 

"Yes ma'am." 

I heard a soft clink as Angele placed the porcelain child's tea set on the little table. 

"Why, Prince Hayes welcome to our palace." Angele smiled. 

"My lady." I bowed slightly.

"Do come in." 

"Why thank you."

I looked up towards Angele and my breath was taken away. She had pulled her hair up into a messy bun looking thing and pulled two pieces of hair into the front of her face, Skylynn had placed a small plastic tiara in her hair, and she had a knee length peach dress on that hugged her small waist just right.

"Is there a problem?" Angele asked raising a single eyebrow. 

"Huh? No no not all. Pardon me." I said as I moved past her and into the room.

"Why Prince Hayes, welcome welcome! You'll be sitting at the corner of the table, as usual." Skylynn smiled.

"Why thank you." I bowed once again.

I moved over to the table and pulled out Skylynn's chair, tucking it in slowly as she sat down, I did the same with Angele before sitting down.

"Will you pass the tea, please?" I asked smiling down at my little sister.


Angele laughed as Skylynn tried to explain the proper way to drink tea to me.

"No Prince Hayes, you must have one pinkie up."

"But that doesn't make any sense, Princess Skylynn."

"Too bad that's how it works in my castle." 

"HAYES!" I heard my mom call up the stairs.

"I'm sorry, Princess Skylynn but the queen is calling me." I said politely as I stood and made my way to the door. 

"It was nice of you to stop by, Prince Hayes." Angele smiled as I made my way to the door.

I ran down the stairs, stepping into the kitchen, "Yes, mom?"

"Will Angele be joining us for dinner?" 

"Not sure. Wait what time is it?" 

"It's 5:30."

"Dang it we missed the studio session. I'll go ask Angele if she can stay for dinner and I'll get back to you." I turned and made my way up the stairs and back into Skylynn's room.

"Angele will you be joining us for dinner?" 

"If that's okay, my parents got held up with the bank and we still don't have a house currently."

"Yeah of course." I turned and made my way back to the kitchen.

"So?" My mom asked smiling.

"She's staying."

"Very nice, I can't wait to meet her."

"She's pretty amazing." 

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