Chapter 18:

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Angele's POV

I woke up the next morning to the sound of Skylynn giggling. 

I sat up, groaning. I stretched my arms behind me for a moment, before dropping them to my side. I stuck my foot out of the edge of the blanket, taking in a sharp breath. Too cold.

There was a soft tap on the door. 

"Come in." I called.

The door opened slowly, and a little blonde head popped up.

"Hayes made breakfast for you, Angele." 

"Awe, thank you for telling me, love."

"Mhmm. Can I pick what you're gonna wear today?" She asked grinning.

"Sure, the suitcase is over there, pick whatever you like."

"Yay! Thank you so much, Angele!" 

I chuckled as she skipped over to the suitcase, kneeling beside it and digging through the contents. She took out a few items, considered them for a moment, shook her head once and folded them neatly, and finally placing them back in the suitcase. She repeated this process several times before deciding on a dress. 

"This one, Angele!" She jumped up and handed me the dress. I smiled as I held it up over my body, earning eager nods from Skylynn. 

"Fabulous choice! Have you ever thought of being a fashion designer?" I grinned.

"Hmmm.. Nope. I've thought about being a singer, gymnastics person, and a horse rider, though."

"Those are good choices too."

"Yup! Now put on the dress."

"Yes ma'am." 

I ruffled her hair as I walked past her and made my way toward the bathroom door. I slipped inside and splashed my face with cool water. I slipped out of my pajamas and into the dress. I fluffed my hair a few times. I slipped back out the door and into Hayes' room.

"Angele, you look so good!" Skylynn cheered as I sat beside my suitcase. 

"Thank you, love. I just have to put on a little makeup and then I'll be all set."

"Hayes says you don't need makeup." Skylynn nodded.

"He did, did he?" I grinned as I smoothed a little of tinted moisturizer on my face.

"Yup, I think you're pretty either way."

"Well thank you. I'm just doing a little bit of moisturizer and mascara today, so nothing major." 

"Can I have some too?"

"Hmmm... How about we just do a little blush and lip gloss?"

"Sounds per-fect!" Skylynn beamed.

I chuckled and pulled out my blush pallet, tapping my brush in the lightest shade of pink. I brushed it lightly on the apples of Skylynn's cheeks. I placed the pallet back in my bag, pulling out a light brown shade of lip gloss. I lightly smeared it over her small lips.

"Thank you so much, Angele! You're the best!" Skylynn jumper on my lap, wrapping her arms around my neck. I wrapped mine around her waist, giving her a slight squeeze.

"Skylynn! Breakfast!" Hayes called up the stairs.

"Coming!" She jumped off my lap and skipped down the stairs.

I made my way to the top of the stairs. Smiling as I saw Skylynn jump into Hayes' outstretched arms.

"Where did you get makeup?" Hayes leaned back, looking carefully at Skylynn's sparkling lips and cheeks.

"From Angele." She grinned.

"I told you to let her sleep, Sky."

"She's fine, Hayes." I grinned as I stood beside him.

"Sorry, Angele."

"It's really not a big deal. Now for this breakfast, I've been hearing about."

Hayes wrapped his arm around my waist and moved Skylynn to one of his hips. Skylynn shook her head and climbed over onto my hip. I placed a single arm under her legs. We made our way to the kitchen. I pulled plates out of the cupboard and placed them on the counter by Hayes. He turned his head smiling as he scooped a portion of eggs onto the top plate. 

"It smells amazing." I grinned.

"Come here." Hayes grabbed my hand and pulled me into his side softly. He smiled before leaning in and kissing me softly.

"Yuck!" Skylynn cried, burying her head into my shoulder.

"Yuck, what? This?" Hayes asked before kissing my cheek multiple times.

"Hayes, that's so gross!!" Skylynn yelled.

"Awe you guys look like a mini family." Nash cooed from the island.

"Shut up, Nash." I laughed.

"Maybe one day." Hayes grinned, looking at me.  

shoutout this chapter goes to:

@ahemmo thanks for reading all the way to the end of the author's note haha

Happy Thanksgiving lovelies. What all did you guys do today? 

I'm so thankful for each and everyone of you guys so much! I love you all so much, hope you guys have an amazing night/day. 

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