Chapter One~How it all started~

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Diabolik Lovers x Sister Reader

Hey so I'm gonna be making some changes regarding Y/N's name so its just gonna be Y/N from now on. Anyway if you see Yuki written anywhere please let me know. Please enjoy the story.

Y/N = Your name, M/N = Middle name, L/N = Last name

Chapter 1. How it all started

"Ugh I hate school!" I complain, once again, to my best friend Kaite. "Come on (Y/N). Don't you want to get a good job?" She says, then adds,"Well, I don't know about you but I need to get a good education if I'm going to be Kou Mukami's assistant." She sighed and started to fangirl all over the place like the other girls at school. "Oh god please don't tell me he's that snotty teen idol that everyone is absolutely in love with. He's so dumb and fake", I whine."The one and only", she replies in a very matter of fact way, which causes me to let out a sigh. "......arghhhhh. Oh well, bye Kaite see you on Monday!" I said running off.

I walk into my home, the sole place I have lived in for nearly 15 years. Oddly enough I don't have very many memories from when I was young, my parents have always said it was from the accident.

I attempt to quietly sneak upstairs, but this old fucking house decides that I should be louder than a fucking elephant. I groan, remembering that I have 5 pages of math homework, an essay, which I neglected to do, and biology homework. "Ahhh fuck..." Hopefully I'll be able to get some peace and quiet to work on my homework over the weekend.

Ha! I laugh at myself when my annoying older sister, whom can't communicate other than through text, walks in. "Yo! Brat, mom said to come eat a snack or dinner or whatever" , she says, smacking her gum and keeping her eyes on the pink phone that lies in her hands.

~~~~~~~~~Time Skip~~~~~~~~~~~

But come on (Y/N), please. I can't plan your birthday. It's your birthday not mine.", My mother whined. " Okay fine lets just get a vanilla Ice Cream cake and some balloons." " Are you sure that's all you want (Y/N)?" " Yep." I replied and went up to my room. I looked at my computer and I had an email. ' It's probably just a birthday card.' So I clicked and opened it.

Dear My darling (Y/N),
   Your 13th birthday is tomorrow and I have wanted to meet you for many years. My name is Karl Heinz and I am you real father, and your real mother is a woman named Beatrix Sakamaki.
I would like to speak with you about an important matter, and I shall be seeing you soon my darling.

                       Your loving father,
                               Karl Heinz

P.S. Please keep the fact that I contacted you a secret.

Wait what the hell did I just read. What was that. Maybe some idiot pranking me. But that was just so weird. Hmm I'll just sleep on it I guess. I stripped my clothes off and put on a random T-shirt and shorts. I went in the bathroom brushed my teeth and got in bed. It was 10:35 and the night was only beginning.

Screams rang through my ears. I woke up, panicked and run down the hall where the screams had originated. In the living room I see purple haired woman covered in blood smiling maniacally when she sees me. My family is on the floor dead with blood spilling out from their bodies. " Oh finally I have found you, you piece of shit. There's no way I'll let that that bitch Beatrix find her long lost bundle of joy. I sent you away but apparently that wasn't enough. Now I think I'll have to kill you!" She ran at me and stabbed me in the arm and then stabbed me in the stomach. Everything went spotty and then black.

I woke up remembering what you had witnessed. You screamed as you remembered only to sit up there was a mass of people around you. You couldn't make out facial features sense you had lost so much blood.

" Reiji please leave I will call you when I'm done. I need to speak with Y/N." A man with white hair and gold eyes said. " (Y/N) I know what happened and your safe now. I am Karl Heinz your real father. Your real name is Y/N M/N Sakamaki. Please forgive me for not finding you sooner. Well as soon as you feel up to it I would like to introduce you to the rest of the family." He said.

" But what about my family, are they okay? What happened to them?" I questioned. " My dear I'm afraid th.." " No I refuse to believe what ever you say I don't trust you" I screamed/interrupted. I quickly got out of the bed and ran past my "father", and I ran past the people in the the halls until I managed to get lost. " Dammit just my luck. I had to get lost.", I whispered to myself.
" Could you be quiet?" Someone whispered. " Who are you?", I whispered harshly.

A/N So this is my first story on Wattpad and I really hope you like this story.
I am going to really try on this so comment down below anything that is wrong or if there are any suggestions you have.

Bye bye Jessicat out.

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