Chapter Ten ~ The Amusment Park pt2 ~Kanato

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Hey guys I'm sorry this chapter took so long to put out but I wanted to put all the brothers chapters out within a few hours of each other so I'm almost done with them. Anyway enjoy this chapter.


Kanato steady's me after I loose my balance. I grip on to his clothed shoulder and peer up into his eyes. His sinister smile makes my small frame shiver. I could see the slight look of crazy in his eyes, and to be honest, it scared me. I could feel my non-existent heart start to pound in my chest. I knew that going off with Kanato, all by myself, would be dangerous. I could piss him off at any random time. And who knows what he would do to me without my other brothers there to stop him. What would I do if that did happen? What if he hurt a human?! Hopefully I could stop him..

Kanato pulls out some money from a black leather wallet and steps towards the cotton candy booth. He grabs my hand and laces our finger together in a grip that is almost too painful for me to stand. He jerks me, somewhat sweetly, behind him, almost losing my balance and falling into him. I am pulled out of my thoughts by the sweet aroma of the pink and blue colored, candy floss, that dances around us in the air. 

As we finally step up to the front of the line, Kanato orders two pink cotton candy and pays the bored redheaded female ten bucks. "This is so expensive", I whimper slightly to myself. Kanato didn't have to buy me that treat, yet he did. Then again they could both be for him and Teddy. The girl rudely shoves the sticks in my hand, while glaring at me for my comment about the prices. I pull Kanato away from the booth hoping he didn't see the girls face. 

"She was very rude, wasn't she?" Kanato asks me and Teddy. I agree with him and Teddy as we walk towards a wooden bench in a secluded area of the park.

We sit down and I hand him both of the cotton candy sticks. "Y/n, one of them is for you", he looks at me with a cute and confused look. "O-Oh, I didn't want to assume that it was for me and not Teddy, Big Brother", I look up at him innocently and he pats my head. I feel my cheeks heat up while we devour our pink candy floss. Once we finish our treat, I get up and throw away the small amount of trash and sit back down. I start to say something when Kanato pulls me onto his lap out of the blue. Teddy falls to the grass but Kanato doesn't seem to notice. "K-Kanato what are y..?" I start to ask but Kanato cuts me off when he kisses me. 

The kiss ends quickly as I push him away harshly. "Kanato what the hell!?" I scream at him and almost immediately regret it. He grabs my hair roughly and whispers in my ear "I thought all women, even my sweet little sister, liked pleasure before pain. Was I wrong? Actually never mind.". I give him a questioning look. Everything seems to happen in slow motion. He moves his head down, and drives his sharp teeth harshly into my neck.

"Ka-Kana-to!" I yell. He takes a few minutes to finish drinking. As soon as he pulls his teeth out of my neck I jerk away from him. He attempts to move his hand to my cheek and I slap it away. He stares into my eyes with a hurt look, for a while, before starting to bawl about me hating him. "Kanato I don't hate you. I shouldn't have hit you....I guess you just shocked me. You're my amazing big brother. A-And I love you!" I stare into his watery purple eyes. All of a sudden I am engulphed in a bone crushing hug, which causes me to release the sigh that I didn't know I had been holding in.  The both of us take a minute to calm down. 

Teddy's caramel fur, in the grass, catches my eye. Leaning down to grab Teddy has me almost fall on top of Kanato. After I pick up teddy from the ground and brush the dirt off his soft fur, I hand teddy to Kanato. I find it a bit scary some times how bipolar he is, with his ups and downs. I worry a lot about him,but as I said he's my amazing big brother. And I know that he can definatly take care of himself. I'm really starting to like my brothers and I'm glad I'm getting to know them, but I really miss my other family and my friends... correction my friend.

"Shall we go back, Dear sister?" Kanato wonders out loud and I nod. This time I lace our fingers together and we walk back to where he started. I look up and glance at the rest of my new brothers standing around a water fountain. They all seem to be doing their own thing, but they are together while they do them. Shu's head is resting on Subaru's while they listen to music. Reiji is glaring up at Ayato and Laito arguing over some girl. Reiji closes his book which gathers my brothers attention. I can feel my cheeks turn red as they look at me. Some sweetly, some annoyed, and some tired...ahem Shu.

"Oi, you're late!" Ayato complains.


Hey! It's me, the author. Lately my Wattpad has been acting up, which means I was gone for a really really lone time. But I'm back. I'm working on the next few chapters, and they have been going pretty good so far...but I want to let you decide what happens next few chapters. 

Should I introduce the Mukami's?

And what do you want to happen in the next brothers chapters?

Subaru - 

Laito - 

Reiji - 

Shu - 

Should I do one with Yui?

Anyway, I have been doing a lot better in my mental state. And I'm a lot more up to writing. Thanks for putting up with all my crap.

:) - JessicaMononoke

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 22, 2018 ⏰

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