Chapter Three~School part 1~

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DL X SR Chapter 3

I wake up to Ayato poking my face." Cherry-chaaaan wake up you have to go to schooooool!", Ayato whined. I thought for a minute. Wait did he say school ughhhh. Dammit I thought I escaped that hell. "Just five more minu.. no, hours pervert.", I said groggily.

" Y/N get up; your uniform is on your bed ,and if I hear anymore complaining I will punish you.", I hear a voice warn. Shit that doesn't sound good. I sit straight up and watch Reiji (Pigeon) walk out of my beautiful black and navy blue room.

Ayato goes back to poking me again. " Fine I'm up Ayato! Now leave pervert I have to change!", I yell. After he left, I go to the bathroom and look in the mirror.

My hair is atrocious. So I manage to tame it, brush my teeth, and put on some deodorant. I head back to my room and quickly change. I look and the clock in my room and it's 8:57pm. " Shit I'm gonna be late!" I run down stairs and grab some food and sit in the limo.

I sit in between Subaru and Shuu. The limo is extremely silent except for Ayato's teasing of Yui. Reiji hands me a piece of paper and says" You will be in the same class as Yui for 1-4 period then with Subaru for 6th, 7th and study hall."

When we get there the "school" looks more like a mansion to me. As I step out of the car multiple girls swarm around us screaming about my brothers. I hear a few rude comments about Yui and I. Ugh filth. I dash thru the people and get to my first class. I sat at the back of the class until the teacher came in.

" Class today we will have a new student. Will you please come up here uhh?"" Y/N Sakamaki.", I say." Will you tell us a little about your self Y/N?"" I'm Y/N Sakamaki. You can call me Y/N. I'm Kanato and Ayato's sister, it's very nice to meet you.",I reply. I go sit back down and the teacher begins her very boring lecture on Shakespeare. I could really care less about it.

~Time skip cause I want to. Why, cause I be de lazy ass.~

'Ding Ding Ding' I assume this is the lunch bell,  after a while of roaming the halls I find an exit going up to the roof. I see Subaru sitting on a bench eating.

Aaaaaaaaaaaaand here is your authors note. So cliffhanger right here and have fun wondering what happens next.
Sorry it's kinda short." Bad author-chan 😰"

Bye Bye Jessicat out

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