Chapter 1 - Rachels PoV

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My phone buzzed in my pocket as I ran down the stairs to get breakfast. Today is a Saturday so I don't have anything to do, and it is the beginning of half term, so no school for a whole week!
I pull my phone out of my pocket and unlock the screen, it buzzes again for a second time. The first message reads:
'Hi Rachel, I have been informed that you like Britain's Got Talent, so I have tickets for you to come to the auditions tomorrow if you are able to make it, Love Amanda Holden. X'
I wriggle in my seat with excitement, but I don't know if this is true, I mean why would Amanda Holden message me of all people?
I decide to message back and I put: 'Hey, is this some kind of wind up or something, coz I mean why would Amanda Holden of all people know my phone number at all, let alone invite me to BGT?'
I open the second message up: 'Hey Rachel, I need to speak to you urgently! Come to the BGT auditions tomorrow, if you say your name at the door then they will let you in, I have told the doorman specifically your name. Look forward to seeing you. Alesha Dixon. XX'
This must be some kind of wind up I mean first Amanda Holden then Alesha Dixon, the two celebrities I look up to and fan girl over. I re-read the message to make sure I am not just making things up in my head or seeing things. As I am doing so the phone starts ringing. I have finished eating my breakfast and I run up the stairs as fast as possible to answer the phone. I shut my door quickly so that no one can hear me. I press the answer button, I am so nervous but excited, that I am shaking.
"Hello, is this Rachel?" A voice which sounds so very familiar says.
"Um, yes. Who wants to know?" I reply quietly.
"You received my message about five minutes ago and then replied asking if it was a wind up. Well to answer your question, no, it is not a wind up, I really am Amanda Holden."
"But, h-h-how do you have my phone number, and how do you know my name?" I reply ever so nervously.
"Hi Rachel, this is Alesha here. We know your phone number and name because I got back in contact with your father and after he said something to me, I realised that we really need to talk. So he gave me your mother's number, we got talking and she gave me your number." It came to my realisation that I was actually talking to these true celebs, it took me about half a minute before I could reply.
"How do you know my idiot of a father?" This was the only response I could think of, I didn't know what to say.
"Long story, but I will explain tomorrow if you are able to come." Alesha replied.
"I hope we can meet you tomorrow, I have heard so much about you, all good things, and I am soooo looking forward to meeting you!" Amanda said, I sighed, remembering that I would have to ask my mum if I can go, she doesn't like not knowing where I am at all times.
"Hopefully, I have got to ask my mum though as I am only fifteen and am not allowed anywhere on my own."
"Ok, well message us during the day, save me on your contacts as Mandy and a love heart after." Amanda said giggling.
"Ooh and save me as Leesha, with a kissy emoji thing after, and do you have snapchat, I will add you if you do," Alesha said spelling out Leesha for me in case I didn't know.
"Yes I do have snapchat, I have saved you both in my contacts, I will message you both my snapchat name so we can talk later, and so I can tell you whether or not I will come tomorrow." I said, suddenly gaining a bit more confidence knowing that they are like normal people and can have a laugh and joke.
"Bye for now then." Amanda said, Alesha adding in a "Byeeeeeeee"
I said my goodbyes and then they hung up.
I look at my mirror which is opposite my big bed, I realise that I have a huge smile on my face and can't stop it.
I jump off my bed, open the door and race down the stairs like never before.
I see my mum standing in the kitchen, so I run down the hallway and sit myself down at the table, needing to catch my breath from all the running. I am not the fittest of people, that is probably the fastest I have run in a long time.
"What's happened Rachel, where's the fire." She says then laughs as she has never seen me so quick in my life. My mum is really pretty, she has shoulder length, dark brown hair and these really beautiful brown eyes, which when you talk to her you could look at for ages.
"Muuuummm," I say dragging out the letters so that I sound like a child.
"Yes," she says in a jokey manner, "what do you want now?"
"Well... Would I be able to go to BGT auditions tomorrow?" I say in such a polite and serious voice.
"I knew you was going to ask soon, I have been messaging Alesha for about a week about it." Mum replies. She has known about this for a week and said nothing.
"WHAT! You have known for a week and said nothing! Was it you who gave Leesha and Mandy my number? I bet it was! How could you not have told me." I say trying to sound angry but it not really working.
"Yes it was me who gave them your number, and I am very good at keeping secrets. We will get the London train at 8:00 tomorrow morning, I will drop you off at the auditions and then I will go off and do some shopping, I need to anyway and this was a great opportunity for a shopping trip." Mum said slowly so I could take it in, pausing after every bit of information.
"Oh my gosh! Thank you so so so much Mum! You don't know how much this means to me. I get to meet my two idols. Thank you! I love you so much! Words can't explain how happy I am and how much I love you!"
"I know how much this means to you, they are all you talk about. Alesha this, Amanda that. And I took the fact that your father knows Alesha into my mind and he said that he would speak to her, only because I told him he is a rubbish father and never does anything for you, you should thank him." Mum is right, dad is rubbish and he doesn't care about me or my three brothers, anyone can see that. I don't even talk to him anymore.
"Thank you so much. I might thank HIM tomorrow after I have met Alesha and Amanda, but definitely not until after, thinking of him might ruin my day so I might message him after but I am not seeing him."
"It's your decision about how you thank him. But you WILL and I repeat will thank him, whether it be texting him or seeing him in person don't forget he only lives across the road."
"Yep and he hasn't bothered contacting or even seeing us in two years. I am not going to bother all he is gonna get is 'thank you' in a message and that's it!" I say a bit annoyed at having to think about him.
"Ok, that's fine by me. Now go in my room and look on my bed. I have a present for you." Mum smiles and turns to start the washing machine, I know that she is saying that she wants me to go up to her room as she got me some bits for tomorrow.
So I hug her, and kiss her on the cheek, that is a bonus of nearly being as tall as mum. I quickly say another 'thank you' before turning and walking along the hallway. I walk slowly up the stairs, when I came down I didn't realise that there was a few toys on the stairs, maybe it was because I went too quick, or maybe one of my two little sisters had been playing on the stairs, I must mention that my mum and dad have split up and my sisters have a different dad to me, but he is nice so I don't mind. Before I go in to mums room, I knock on my sisters' door. Neither of them reply, which means they are probably both downstairs watching the telly. I look at the clock on the landing wall, it's 11 o'clock and I know that they will both be downstairs as they will have their telly programmes on, probably paw patrol or some rubbish like that.
I turn to my mum and stepdad's room and carefully open the door handle. I walk over to the bed and there is a small box with a folded up piece of paper underneath. I open the box and this bright sparkle shines from it. I look properly at what is inside. There are these gorgeous, silver, dangly earrings with little diamonds on in the box. I open the folded paper up, it says 'Open the top left drawer of the chest of drawers. X.' So I walk over, and open the drawer inside is a medium sized box and another folder piece of paper.
I pick up the box and open it. In it is this stunning bracelet with my name engraved in it. I take the paper and unfold it. The words say 'take the things with you and go into the bathroom and your last present is there. I walk out of the being careful not to break anything. I walk into the bathroom to find the most beautiful and amazing dress that I have ever seen hanging from the clothes rack. It is a bit shorter than knee length, a lilac colour and it has short thin sleeves. With it is a beautiful plum coloured blazer.
My mum is the best. Getting these clothes especially for tomorrow. I take the clothes by the hangers cautious not to break or rip them and walk slowly to my bedroom. I place the bits on my bed carefully. I look at them, I am so happy right now, some might say elated.
I quickly swipe my phone out from my pocket and text Mandy and Leesha saying: 'All missions a go. Will be coming tomorrow in this gorgeous dress my mum got for me. Love Rachel X.'
I chuck my phone on my bedside cabinet. Quickly I walk back down the stairs, but not too quick otherwise I will probably trip on one of the toys and that wouldn't be good, especially as I'm going to London tomorrow. Running to the kitchen, I spot my two little sisters and one of my brothers giggling at me as I can't run, it's more of a waddle. I ignore them and go and find mum. She's sitting at the table reading a book and drinking a hot chocolate. I run up to her and give her a huge hug. At first she is quite taken back as she obviously didn't expect it but then she relaxed and hugged me back. I let go, so that I am making eye contact with mum.
"Thank you so much, the dress is simply the best and the bracelet and earrings are amazing." Rushing my words, I say. "I will wear my dress with so much pride, I just don't know how to have my hair."
"Don't worry about that, I know just how to style it, if you get up at five in the morning and shower first. I knew that you would like the dress, I certainly do."
"I can do five, I was going to shower before in any case, I don't want to smell horrible when meeting my idols." I said without even needing to think about what to say.
I still can't believe that I am going to meet two of the best people in the world. I really wonder how dad knows Alesha and why she needs to urgently talk to me. I hope I won't be nervous because I am so excited now, but I'm not at all good in social occasions. So something is bound to go wrong tomorrow.
Authors note - Thanks for reading, I'm new to writing fanfics so sorry if it isn't the best. Anyway hope you enjoy it. Look forward to reading comments. Thanks. X

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