Chapter 2 - Alesha's PoV

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I can't believe that I am finally meeting Rachel again after 14 years and she's all grown up now. I am so nervous about meeting her though, yet so excited. I have no idea what I am going to say to her though. She doesn't know the reason I have to talk to her, but it is urgent so it has to be done. She doesn't even know that I have known for all of her life she exists. For me to have become her idol is actually quite nice to know as we could have been but hopefully we can be quite close.
I turned to Amanda as we have grown close over the four years we have known each other. But also because all of my friends would think that I have been dishonest and that I shouldn't have kept this secret from them. Also they would probably judge me for my decisions that I have made in the past. So I confided in Amanda when I first met her. She has known my secret for four years now.
The only people who know my secret are Azuka, my boyfriend, Amanda, Rachel's mum and dad and my little girl, Azura. I don't want the paps to find out because it is hard enough a few people knowing let alone the whole world.
At the moment I am watching over Azura, Hollie and Lexi (Amanda's two children). Azura is playing dollies with Hollie, they have these little baby dollies which they are playing mums with and having a long talk about random things. They are so cute to watch. Azura is three now and she has started to sing and dance, it is so sweet watching her, she is adorable. Lexi, Amanda's oldest daughter, is sitting in the corner playing a game on her iPad. She is quite grown up and mature for her age, which is good as some children can't be.
Amanda has returned from the corner shop, we decided that we would have a girls day before the auditions tomorrow and watch a movie and talk. We forgot to get some crisps, chocolates and some soft drinks for our children, so as we are at Amanda's house she volunteered to go to the corner shop while I look after the girls. I looked at my phone while just as Amanda got in and I had a text from Rachel. It said that she was able to come tomorrow. I wanted to text back so badly but I didn't know what to put back.
"Mandy, Rachel has just messaged me, I don't know what to put back, it's so confusing. Help me think of something please?"
"Did you get the message about her being able to come tomorrow, is that the one?" Mandy asked, Rachel probably sent it to both of us though.
"Yes, that's the one. What shall I put back? I don't want to say the wrong thing," I say worriedly looking at Mandy.
"Just put back 'I'm glad you're coming tomorrow, can't wait to see you, love Leesha.' Or something like that."
"Thanks Mandy, I can't believe I didn't think of something like that." I say while typing a short and similar message back.
Mandy is really helpful to me because when I have a tough time, for example when people send really nasty hate messages to me or on social media, Mandy helps me through it and she understands me, as does Azuka. I love being on Britain's Got Talent but if Mandy wasn't on there then I would quit it. There wouldn't be the laughs and someone who understands my decisions and I wouldn't have a girl friend on there. People judge me too much, just based on my career. I can't stand it, sometimes it really just gets to me and I cry over all the hate. It's like if I say no to an act which people like but I don't like them I get hate for telling the truth and for having an opinion. Some people are just so pathetic about things in life it is so stupid.
"Mandy...." I say quite quietly.
"Yeah Leesha." Mandy replies.
"Well, I really can't wait till tomorrow, I feel like I'm ready for it. But I feel really nervous and worried as well though."
"I'm happy for you that you feel ready for it, don't get too nervous, I'm sure that it will be just fine Leesha. You will feel really bad if you get too nervous or worried, so try not to." Mandy is so good at giving advice, I don't know how I'd be without her to be honest.
"I'm so glad that you are going to be there with me, Mandy. I don't know how I would be without you there."
"I'm sure that you would be just fine without me there. But I'm just here for moral support and if you really need me, I feels like I need to be there for you." Mandy says.
"I need you there for me and I don't think I would be ok without you there, I would probably be a nervous wreck if you weren't there, or I wouldn't even say what I need to." I do love Mandy.
"I am grateful that I met you and that we became good friends. I knew instantly from the minute that Simon said that you were coming on to BGT that we were going to become friends. I didn't want to be enemies and I like your music too so I thought that we would get on great. And we do which is the best thing that's happened from the show." Says Mandy smiling, I know Mandy is telling the truth, as Mandy is so truthful and would never lie to me.
"I am so glad that we are friends, and that Simon didn't come between us as he likes to do with girl judges. You are amazing and and I love you just the way you are. I can be myself around you. You are the best friend anyone could ever have." Mandy grabs me into a hug.
"Love you to the moon and back Leesha." Mandy says quietly so the kids can't hear.
"Love you more Mandy." I say in a whisper.
"Never Leesha." Mandy whispers quietly.
Authors note~ Hope you enjoyed chapter 2. Look forward to reading some comments. Thanks for reading. X

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