Chapter 8 ~ Alesha's PoV

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I had just been talking to Rachel when Amanda put my plan into action and told me that we needed to go somewhere and that we would be back soon, and we walked into Amanda's dressing room, which was down the hallway to mine. I wanted to let Rachel have some time to herself and have a look around my dressing room to see a few of the things that I have in there. But I also wanted to see if my judgments were right and if Rachel liked to have a snoop around places, I know I certainly do, I am terrible for snooping when I am not meant to, which is why I left a note for Rachel to let her know that I was fine with it if she wanted to snoop. Also I wanted to talk to Amanda while I was getting my make up touched up on and made sure it's perfect, as today is the first day of filming for the auditions on the new series of Britain's Got Talent, and they want me to look my absolute best.
"Honestly Alesha, you could have been a little bit more enthusiastic when you saw Rachel, while I was in the room, I mean I know that you have been really nervous babe but still. She is a beautiful girl, isn't she? And she has such a nice voice."
"I know that I should have been, I was just a little bit stunned, and didn't know what to say to her, and you are darn right, I have been so nervous but that was when the nerves really hit me the most, when Rachel walked in. You are right she is beautiful, in fact, she's perfect. Beautiful, an amazing voice and such a warm friendly smile. I am glad we came up with this little idea of giving her a bit, letting her calm her nerves a bit now she's met us. I must say this to you even though I already may have. Thank you for being here for me and for helping me to get this far."
"Firstly, yes you have said it before, numerous times, and secondly, I am only helping you out because otherwise I wouldn't have someone to have a laugh with on the panel." Amanda said with a serious expression on her face.
"W-w-what?" I said, she sounds so serious.
Amanda laughs and says "Just messing with you babe. Obviously that's not why I'm helping you out here. It's because you are my best friend, I know you so well that we may as well be sisters. Hmm, you're my sister from another mister. I would help you with anything, even if it was murder, which I am hoping that nothing would ever come to be that serious. But yeah we are connected, I cry if I see you crying, it makes me feel so upset when you are hurt or heart broken. I was the only person to have guessed that you were pregnant with Azura before anyone else. You are my best friend and nothing will ever break us apart." I sigh with relief and let out a hideous laugh. I playfully punch Amanda then say
"Do not ever do that to me again, I thought you were being serious but then you are an actor, so that means you have the skills to act serious. You are right we know pretty much everything about each other, so we may as well be sisters as you said. I would help you out with anything if you ever need me to. Even murder someone if that's what you need. I can't stand to see you upset, it hurts me if you cry, which makes me cry too. I know that you was the first person, except for Az, to know that I was pregnant, but that was only because I had to tell him. But I was so shocked that night after the final in 2013 when I found out that you knew that I was pregnant, I mean nobody else had guessed, or said anything to me so yeah that was a pleasant and a precious thing to know that you weren't going to blab to anyone and tell them that I was expecting. Nothing will separate us. Even if we fight we pick up the pieces and make up with each other. I couldn't ever have a better best friend than you." I say nearly welling up with tears.
"You will never lose me Leesha. Anyway, as lovely as this chat has been shouldn't we get back to your dressing room and see how Rachel is?"  Mandy says grabbing my hand so I had to go with her.
"Ok, we probably should, she might be getting lonely. We need to tell her the plan of action for today and we need to be ready in 15 minutes. So let's get going." I said back to Mandy, looking at the time on my phone screen. We quickly rushed across the hallway to my dressing room but as we got closer we heard music, so I opened the door very slowly so that it was quiet.
It was one of my songs from my newest album, do it for love. But along with it was this beautiful voice singing to it. Me and Mandy looked over at Rachel and she was doing these crazy dance moves but also singing along. We were stood there for at least a minute, then the song finished. Me and Mandy start clapping and Rachel quickly presses a button on the remote and spins around rapidly.
"That was amazing Rachel. You have a beautiful voice." Mandy said smiling.
"Um thanks Mandy... Have you been standing there for long? Please say that you didn't hear me?" Rachel said looking at me in question.
"We were here long enough to hear you singing. Why do you doubt your singing so much? You can sing beautifully." I said. I don't like the fact that she thinks she can't sing well, she is amazing at singing.
"Um.. I don't like to sing in front of people as when I was about 13 I was bullied when I sang in front of them. That's why I doubt myself so much, I used to get bullied a lot." Poor Rachel, them bullies were certainly wrong.
"Don't let them bullies get you down. If you like to sing, then sing. You have a beautiful singing voice, I could listen to it all day. I wouldn't be a singer now if I let them people who didn't like my singing at school get me down. I know it is quite hard to forget comments made at you, but I see it this way, don't let bullies break you, they are only making you stronger."
"Thanks. I never thought of it that way. I didn't know that I could sing well." Rachel said more confidently. I am so glad I have advised her and she listened to me.
Authors note ~ How was chapter 8? I hope you enjoyed it. I am so happy that people are enjoying my book so far, I will write more as soon as I can and have time to. Look forward to reading your comments. X.

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