Chapter 6 - Alesha's PoV

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Authors note ~ Sorry that I haven't uploaded enough. I probably won't upload that much as I have school and have to revise for my mock exams which are soon. Glad that people are enjoying this and I hope you enjoy chapter 6.
Me and Amanda are talking when suddenly the door creaks open and slowly a beautiful girl walks in. It is Rachel. I recognise her face from a picture her mum sent to me earlier. My heart is pounding, I have been so nervous for this, I have never felt so nervous in my life. Rachel is gorgeous. Her dress is beautiful and goes very well with the blazer. She is quite tall, taller than Amanda, but anyone is taller than her even when she has really high heels on. Rachel's white heels are stunning and look so good on her, but anything would probably look good on her, she is a natural beauty.
I don't know what to say, so I turn to Amanda as if I'm about say something. I realise that Amanda is wearing a beautiful white dress. I didn't really take much notice on what she was wearing earlier, as I have been too nervous and haven't been able to focus very much. All of a sudden Amanda starts to walk off, towards Rachel without me. I stand there for a second not knowing what to do, then I realise I should probably walk with Amanda. So I do a quick speed walk to catch up with Amanda. I hear a giggle coming from ahead of me and realise that Rachel is laughing. That makes me feel a little less nervous as she looks quite relaxed and her smile is a kind that could make me feel better any day.
We have reached where Rachel is standing and she waves her hand in the air a little and shyly mutters a very quiet 'hi'.
Amanda says "Hi Rachel, it is so great to meet you." Then pulls her in for a quick hug. Amanda looks at me while she is hugging Rachel and mouths to me 'say something'
I bite my lip slightly and decide I have to pull my act together. As soon as Rachel looked at me after Amanda stopped hugging her, I spoke while looking at Rachel saying "Um, h-hi Rachel, it is so great to finally meet you, I have heard so much about you."
Then, before she had chance to say anything back, I pulled Rachel in for a hug. I felt something trickle down my cheek and realised that it was a tear and that I was crying. The hug lasted longer than I expected it to. I just couldn't let go. I have waited so long to meet her and it just felt right to hug her, no I didn't know what else to do. I think that she was a bit shocked at how long the hug lasted. At first Rachel was quite tense and her arms were quite floppy while hugging me which meant that this was probably awkward for her but then I felt her arms tighten a bit around my waist so she must have felt a bit less awkward.
I slowly let go and instantly wipe my eyes and my face, trying not to let Rachel see me crying, good job my mascara is waterproof, otherwise I would probably look like a panda. Amanda has walked out of the room, she has probably gone to get her makeup checked and made sure that it is perfect.
"H-how are y-you, Rachel?" I mutter quietly, not wanting this moment to be awkward.
"Um, I am ok thank you, how are you?" Rachel says so quietly that it is almost a whisper.
"I-I'm a bit nervous, but other than that, I am ok I guess. How is your mother and father Rachel?" I ask but I don't want to tell her anything yet, so I am just going to keep it simple until after the auditions, which I am really dreading, and know that it will probably go wrong.
"My mum is ok thanks, a bit tired I think, having to look after me and all my brothers and sisters. And I don't know about him, I don't really talk to him, minus the fact that he lives almost opposite us, he doesn't care about us and doesn't even bother to contact us, so why should I bother with him. Sorry, I know that may sound a bit mean, but I like to speak the truth."
"No, no, it's good that you can tell the truth, I like to be honest with people most of the time. It doesn't isn't that mean anyway. It is really pathetic that he doesn't even try to contact you when you live so close. Just wondering, how many brothers and sisters have you got?" I say, I am furious that her dad doesn't look after her, but I am going to try not to show it as I don't want Rachel to feel bad.
"I have got, hmmmm, 3 brothers and 2 sisters. Which can be quite annoying sometimes as they get in my way, they can be too noisy, they argue a lot, and I am constantly tripping over toys. My oldest brother is 17, all of the others are younger than me, which is good cause I love to boss them about. My two sisters have a different dad to me which makes them only my half sisters, but if anyone asks me they are just my sisters. Their dad treats me like his daughter more than my own dad does, and we get on quite well, I mean we argue a lot but if he was my real dad I reckon we would still argue that much. But he's great, so I am glad that my mum fell in love with him." I giggle a little bit at the fact that she has had a moan about her siblings. Wow, Rachel does talk a lot, but I like it that she can talk about her family this much and that she is able to talk about them so easily.
"Oops sorry for laughing. It was a bit funny that you moaned about your siblings, it's not a bad thing though. You have a lot of siblings, it must be quite tough to do school work at home as it gets noisy. You must constantly get bruises here and there, by tripping over the toys around. I am happy for you that you can talk about your family, and that you get on with your step dad so well. It just makes me feel happy that people around me are happy." I said while smiling a lot.
"I'm happy that you are happy for me. It is quite hard to do some of my school work. But if it gets too noisy I put my headphones in and then it makes it easier for me to work. But I am quite guilty for listening to your songs too much, I know some of them from the first line to the last. Is that really bad?" I stifle my laughter, it is actually quite sweet that she listens to my songs and knows them a lot.
"Nope, it is not bad that you know them. Do you sing along to them?"
"Yep, I sing along, I am rubbish at singing, people sometimes say that I am good at singing but I am not and I don't care if I'm not good, I like to sing aloud, even if it annoys people, I still sing." Rachel says quite quickly.
"Can I hear you sing please? So I can see if you are good, or if you are rubbish as you say?" I ask politely. That moment Amanda walks back in.
"Maybe later." Rachel replies.
Authors note ~ Thank you for reading. Thank you to those who have been voting and commenting. I love reading your comments. Hope you liked chapter 6. Look forward to reading your comments. I will update soon. Thanks. XX

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