Chapter 12 ~ Alesha's PoV

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Thoughts are spinning round my mind, while I am pacing around the room. I am so angry, how could someone hurt a girl as young as Rachel, what has he done to her? And why? What has she ever done to him to make him so aggressive? I can't show my anger, it scares poor Rachel too much. Who is he? How does she even know him? I need to find all this out, but I need to know that she trusts me too, if she is going to confide in me later.
I walk over to the drawer with medical bits in, open it, grab a bag of cotton wool balls and a bowl. Walk over to the sink and fill up the bowl with warm water.
"May I?" I ask, pointing at Rachel's arm with a cotton wool ball. She briefly nods, and I get to cleaning it.
Oh gosh. I can't work out how to tell Rachel, I know I may never get another chance, so I have got to tell her, but how to do it. Should I be direct and go straight to it? Or should I say lots to her, before I tell her?
*About 10 minutes later*
After thinking a lot, I have finally came up with the best way to tell Rachel, I hope she understands though.
"Rachel, so firstly let me tell you that you are beautiful, your hair falls perfectly, in a nice wave, your eyes are gorgeous, I could stare into them all day, some would say that you have got your mother's eyes, if they saw her. Secondly, your father is a complete idiot and should love you, he doesn't deserve you."
"Thank you so much, I don't think that I am beautiful, my hair is not normally like this, it is normally all messy, my mum has got different coloured eyes to me, you must be colour blind, no offence. Yes, he is an idiot and I wish he wasn't my dad." Rachel says quietly.
"Well that is where you're wrong you see, you are absolutely gorgeous. Now look at my eyes, then look into the mirror at yours, then look back at mine." I say, it is so easy like this, I hope she clocks on.
"Ok.." Rachel says nervously, then does as I instructed her.
"See anything?" I ask.
"Well... Your eyes are brown, and my eyes are brown, the same darkish colour. Does this mean?" Rachel questions.
"Go on.. Does this mean..." I say trying not to laugh.
"Ok. Does this mean that well, er um, that you are my mother? Sorry, I have probably read the signs wrong. I am probably being silly, you could never be my mum, you are famous and I am just some mere child, who you have only known for five minutes." Rachel says, a look of worry clouding over her face.
"Nope you have read the signs right, I have not only known you for five minutes, I have known you for 16 years now, ever since you were in my tummy. I am your mother, and you are my little baby girl, but you don't have to call me mum. You can even decide not to have me in your life, it is your decision after all." I say quite quickly as I am quite nervous.
"I would like you in my life, but please would you explain why you haven't been my mum as I have grown up, and why you haven't tried to tell me before, that's all I ask of you." Rachel says anxiously.
"Ok, so let's start off to when you were born, I met your father at a bar one day and we had a one night stand, I thought that we had been very careful, but then I found out that I was pregnant. Nobody knew except your, father and his wife. We decided that it would be better for you to live with your father and his wife, I will call her your mum as that's what you call her, as then you would have a stable family and no one had to know. So when you were born, I looked after you for about two hours, then I had to let you go and your father and mum took you home. I visited you every day until you were one years old. Your first word you said was to me, it was momma, you were holding your arms out at me saying momma. Your mum and dad didn't like that, they thought that you were going to be so confused and told me to stop visiting you. In that time of my life, I was rising to fame, and I was depressed after me and my husband split, so I agreed to make sure that you were safe and were loved." I said my eyes filled with tears. I had to let out a breath as I had been talking for too long, so I grabbed my bag from beside me, had a quick sip of my water and carried on.
"I tried to write to you about five years ago, but your mum and dad had just split up, and he had started drinking. He rang me and told me to leave you alone and to stay away, as I would make you upset even more. I then met Amanda and told her everything. She said not to give up, so I constantly wrote to your dad, rang him, tried anything. Until out of the blue, about a month ago, he got back in contact with me because of your mum told him that it was time. So, knowing that I had permission to see you I messaged your mum and we arranged for you to meet me and to tell you everything. And now here you are." I say, now crying, but smiling at the same time.
"Wow, I understand everything. I hate that my dad didn't let my own birth mum get in contact. I'm sure that mum would have told me eventually. I should have been told sooner. It is my life, I decide how to live it." Rachel says, with tears streaming down her face too.
Rachel reaches out to me and I pull her into a tight hug, like I did the day she was born.
Authors note ~ How was chapter 12. The secret is now out. What did everyone think? This isn't the end though. Oh no, it is only the beginning. Please comment. Look forward to reading comments. Thanks XX

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