Chapter 3 - Rachel's PoV

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Gosh! It feels too early. I roll over to check my alarm clock, it's only 4 o'clock in the morning. I can't sleep, I have butterflies in my stomach, and I'm shaking with nerves. I stretch my arms out, seeing as I'm not going to get back to sleep now, I switch my alarm clock off. Thoughts are going around my head and making me feel more nervous than ever. What if Amanda doesn't like me or what if they judge me instantly because of how I look or what if Alesha is not as nice as she seems on TV.
I shake my head rapidly to get the bad thoughts out of my head. I sit up and switch my bedside light on. Ooh it's too bright, I look around, find my slippers and slip them onto my feet swiftly as my feet are rather cold. I grab my dressing gown off of my door hook and put in on. I open up my wardrobe and pick out a random comfy tracksuit bottom and a baggy t-shirt. Slowly and carefully, I open my bedroom door, trying not to wake anyone else up and tiptoe across the landing to the bathroom taking my clothes with me. I turn the taps for the shower so that it warms up before I get in. I grab my towel from the shelf unfold it and chuck it on the floor. Then I strip off quickly and jump into the shower, the water hits me blissfully. I stand under the water for about a minute letting the water keep me warm before stepping out and washing. Then I take about two minutes to rinse myself off, then turning the taps off, hopping out the shower and quickly wrapping my towel around me so I don't get cold.
After drying off, I quickly put on my clothes and chuck the towel in for wash. I walk back to my bedroom as silent as possible still not wanting to disturb anyone. I grab my hairdryer out of its box and dry my hair putting it on the most quiet setting possible. My hair is dry, so I grab my hairbrush off of my chest of drawers and brush my shoulder length hair.
I look at my clock again and it's now 4:35. Time is going by so slowly. I look around my room, searching for something to do. I want to watch the TV, but decide against it as someone might hear it and know that I'm awake. So instead I grab my comfy beanbag out from under my bed and chuck it on the floor, next to my bed, grab my favourite book, The Fault in Our Stars, off my bookshelf and settle down on my beanbag and read for what seems like forever.
I am about halfway through the book and my stomach is constantly rumbling. I realise that I haven't had anything to eat yet, so I get a bookmark, put it in the book and lay my book back on the shelf. I grab my phone from my bedside drawer and switch it on. I creep out of my room with my phone in my hand, and walk slowly and silently down the stairs. I walk into the kitchen, grab some biscuits out of the cupboard and pour myself a small glass of milk.
With my biscuits and phone in one hand and my glass of milk in the other, I walk into the living room. My phone buzzes in my hand, so I place my milk on a mat on the living room table and sit down in the armchair closest to the table. I unlock my phone screen, go on to messages and see that it is a message from Leesha. It reads: 'Good morning, message me back when you get this, I can't stop thinking about meeting you later today, which is why I am messaging you at 5 o'clock in the morning, sorry it is so early, I feel really bad for messaging you so early. So sorry about this. Love Leesha X.'
I look at the time on my phone and it is 5:07. I instantly reply to Leesha's message. I put back: 'Don't worry, it's not to early, I was up at 4 o'clock this morning. I can't stop thinking about meeting you either, I'm ever so nervous. I can't wait to see you though! Love Rachel. X.'
I sit there instantly regretting sending that message to Alesha as she will provide think that I'm stupid for being nervous and for being up at 4 o'clock. I sit there eating my biscuits when my phone buzzes on my lap. I read the message back from Leesha it says: 'I'm so glad that I am not the only one who is nervous. I was up at 4:30 this morning and I thought that it was silly that I was up so early. I actually have a really funny feeling in my stomach at the moment. Is that bad? X."
After I read this I feel a lot better that I am not the only one who is nervous. I have to think about how to message back as I don't want to regret sending it again should I say that I have a funny feeling as well, as I do or should I just play it casual and say that I feel fine. Well here goes anyway: ' No it's not bad I don't think, I have a strange feeling too, maybe let's put it as butterflies in my tummy and my head is feeling quite funny as there are too many thoughts going through it, quite a few bad ones are you having that too? X.'
I am so very nervous now, I thought the feeling would go away but as I text Leesha it only makes me feel worse. Which is quite bad, seeing as I am meeting her in about 4 hours. I hope that she is ok.
Authors note ~ I hope you enjoyed chapter three. Please comment and tell me if you are enjoying my fanfic. I would really like to know people's views of the book so far. X

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