Chapter 10 ~ Alesha's PoV

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The auditions have started. We have had some terrible acts, and we have only been auditioning for two hours. As if they weren't bad enough last year, the dinosaur act has come back again this year. This time they have got two dinosaurs, this is literally a nightmare of auditions. There has been these three girls who really can't sing, who auditioned way back in like 2007. They have got serious attitude problems, well at least the one who did the talking did. I really didn't like them, I was going to say something which didn't hurt their feelings too much but they were being little brats so I told them that they couldn't sing and they threw back comments like saying it's hard too get up there and sing in front of people, and I know that it is because I do often. There was that davros bloke again from last year, he auditioned as a singer last year, but he was terrible, which he knew in any case. He came back as a comedian this year, he was so bad that it was funny, that is probably the best we have had so far. A boy who looks about 15 steps onto the stage.
"Hi, who are you and how old are you?" Amanda asks.
"Hi, I am Cal Bush and I am 15 years old." Cal replies.
"Ok, where do you come from and what do you do for a living?"
"Well I come from Essex and I go to Kingsmill School. And I have a Saturday job as a shelf stacker in Tesco." Cal said. That is where Rachel lives, in Essex.
"Ok, and what are you going to do for us today Cal?" Amanda asked.
"I am going to sing Whiskey Lullaby by Brad Paisley and Alison Krauss. Firstly, it is one of my favourite songs and I have chose to sing it because, there is this girl at school who I really like but I don't think that she has ever noticed me, and maybe she will on this, if I get through." Cal says playing with his fingers.
"Ok, well I hope you do well. Whenever you're ready. Good luck!" Amanda says, then turns to Simon and he gives her this massive grin.
Cal sings his song, when it ends, everyone in the crowd is on their feet, some crying, some whooping.
I turn and look at Amanda. She being held in a big hug by Simon and is in tears. Simon and Amanda are so sweet together, they look quite like a couple, and would make a good couple. But I know that it wouldn't happen as Mandy is deeply and madly in love with her hubby, Chris and has an amazing family.
Cal's song was such a sad song even I was in tears. He has an amazing voice, I could listen to it for ages as it is so sweet. Behind me I hear sniffles. I looked round and saw that Rachel was crying, she must have been moved by it too. I felt as though I couldn't stop smiling, but was crying too, we have definitely found an act worth keeping.
I turn back around and I stretch my hand out to the golden buzzer, as I touch it, my hand collides with another. I look to see who's had it was. It was Amanda, she looked so happy, on the bit which had the Xs it showed mine and Mandy's as gold. I hug her tightly and say "We have got the best act by far here, I think he will win!"
Mandy's reply was a simple nod and a flood of tears, which made me hug her again as I can't bear seeing her upset. After our hug, Mandy hugs Si again quite tightly, he strokes and places gentle kisses on the top of her head, trying to stop Mandy from crying.
On the stage Cal is clutching the microphone as smiling from ear to ear. He has tears running down his face. I run up to him and give him a massive hug and tell him to stay until after the show so I could chat with him. He nods at me and I walk back down to the other judges. The noise has died down by now, so we are able to talk to him.
I start off by saying "That was am amazing performance! How has that girl not noticed you, with a voice as powerful and moving as yours. She will notice you after this that's for certain. I loved it and am so glad you are my golden buzzer."
Amanda then says "I am completely moved,that has made me so emotional, I don't get this emotional often. The song was so sad and you have an incredible voice for it! I am so happy that me and Alesha have you as our golden buzzer! I reckon you could win this competition!"
Si says "I thought that you were going to be completely rubbish, as we don't get many good singer of your age on here. You proved me wrong, I like an act that proves me wrong and gives it their best. You have got an absolutely outstanding voice, and I would like to hear more of it! I wanted you to be my buzzer but I let the girls have you instead, with a voice that good, I doubt you will have much competition!"
I turn to David. He says "That was one of the best performances that I have ever seen. Never give up singing, you are incredibly talented. I think that you will get very far in this competition, you could probably even win it. After people hear your voice, I reckon you will get people who want you to do a record deal for them. Well done!"
"Thank you so much everyone! You don't know how much this means to me. I expected to get booed off but you have all made my day by making me believe that I can do it! I will forever love you people." Cal says, still crying a little. He waves at us and walks off the stage.
That has certainly brightened up my day and made me so much more confident to tell Rachel.
Authors note ~ I am so sorry for not uploading in a while, I have been quite upset, but now I feel happy again, so have been able to write again. I have also had some mock exams, they are nearly over. I shall try and update this more often. I hope you enjoyed chapter 10! Please comment, looking forward to reading comments, they always make my day. Thanks. XX

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