Chapter 3: Finding him....

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I went to school after 2 days of staying at home. I went into the school wearing make-up to cover my wounds. I was wearing black eye shadow, pink lipstick, I dyed my hair dark, dark brown,and to top it off I was wearing a black tight long sleeve shirt with a gray mini-skirt and black tall boots. I rode my skateboard to school which was hard with boots instead of sneakers. I pulled in front of the school,chained my skateboard to the rack, and walked inside. I passed by the popular girls and Miranda rolled her eyes to Nicole. I walked to my locker and got my MP3. I walked down the hall and was stopped by a boy I haven't seen before. "Are you new?" I asked. "I can be anything you want girl,but first do you wanna go on a date?" He asked giving me a smile. I wasn't gonna fall for it. "How about we act like we don't know each other, you leave me alone and I might forget about about punching your pretty little face, kay?" I asked. I know that might've been harsh but I've met people like him. Awesome hair, perfect body, cool clothes, but right as you get attached you see how much of a jerk he is. This guy came walking over to the two of us. "Is he bothering you?" he asked. "Yes, very much." I answered. "Sorry, he is always like this." He said. He and the weird guy walked off. I kind of liked the second guy. Blonde hair, blue eyes, perfect. Perfect body, perfect voice. The other guy came off as creepy. I put the ear plugs in my ear and played my favorite song, Fighter by Christina Aguilera. I walked to 1st period and sat down at my desk. The first part of school went by quickly. Basically homework, tests, and teachers. I walked close to the cafeteria when I saw the cute guy again. He was talking to a group of guys he saw me then smiled and waved. I took a deep breath then walked up to him. "Hey I know it's crazy but I wanted to know if you wanted to-" I started. "Go on a date? Yes." He answered. I was still in shock that I just asked him out so I couldn't hear him. "I know, It's weird that we barely know each other and I just walk over here and- wait, what?" I ask in disbelief. "Look I like you, you like me, I think we should go on a date and by the way, I'm Ryan Martin." He said. So I was officially dating Ryan Martin.

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