Chapter 9: Romance

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He held me in his arms and we sat down. I talked to him and never said a word about my past. All we talked about was the present and future. Before I knew it, it was a few nights before prom. "When will I meet your parents?" he asked. "Um...I'm not sure yet." I answered softly. "I-Um look, Ryan I have something to tell you." I said. I bit my lip. Ryan walked around my room looking through my stuff. "Kayla, who is this?" He asked. He pointed to a picture of me and my parents when I was 3. It seemed simpler at that time. I smiled for a second and then frowned at the thought of my mom. What she did to my father. My innocent father who loved me from the beginning. I snatch the photo from him and examined it. I tore the part with my mom on it and threw it away. I grabbed the rest of the photo and shoved it in my desk drawer. "Nothing that concerns us. Nothing that concerns our future. Our love shouldn't be weighed down by the past. All that matters is now." I said strongly. He kissed me and I smiled. That's the moment I realized I loved him.

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