Chapter 14: The Plan

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      Allison came after an hour. "What's wrong?" She asked worried. Allison was blonde with blue eyes and had on a blue dress with brown platforms. "How would you like a child?" I asked humorously. "Well, me and John have been talking about having one." She said. John was her husband she married when she was 20. "Well, I need to talk to you." I said. "My friend Sarah just lost her parents and she needs someone to take care of her and enroll her in school." I said. "Where is she?" She asked curiously. "In my...old bedroom." I said quickly. "Kayla..I know. You don't have to pretend with me." She said in a caring way. I called Evelyn to the living-room. "Who is she?" Sarah asked staring at Allison. "Your new fake mom." I said. "Wow!" Sarah exclaimed. "Now, she can crash here but you need to enroll her in school." I said sternly. "Sure!" Allison said. "But, if you're gonna be my child...we need to go to the mall first." Allison added. "Okay!" Sarah said cheerfully. Allison drove us to Charfeuld Mall. "WHOA!" Me and Sarah exclaimed like children. "You've never been to a mall?" Allison asked giving us a wierd look. "Nope!" Me and Sarah said at the same time. "I got a lot to teach you." Allison muttered. When we walked in, it was like a palace. Stores were scattered everywhere and thousands of people filled the building eating, talking, and shopping. "First thing's first. Let's go to Liberty and get some clothes. Then we'll go to the grocery store down the street and get some food." She said. "How much money do you have?" Sarah asked. "Let me put it this way, I'm an actress who's starred in 15 movies and a TV series about me and my twin sister." She stated using finger motions for twin sister. "So a bunch?" I asked. She smiled and nodded.

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