Chapter 16: A New Awakening

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I opened my eyes to a basement. There were 20 girls chained back against different poles. I screamed as loud as I could. A black man wearing a black jacket and jeans walked into the room. "Listen up weaklings!" he yelled. "You are going to be staying here for a while. So you need to learn the rules. First off, you will get a bag of trail mix per day, every day for food." He started. "Second! You will not scream at all or else. And last but not least, you will go through a training camp and I will pick off all the weaklings until I find the strongest person in this room." He said glancing at every girl. My eyes grew cold when they met his. He quickly untied each girl and made sure they followed him and his partner. We followed him to what looked like a football field without the white paint. Instead scattered inside the arena were different obstacles. There was a running path surrounding the field. "Who wants to go first?" He asked carrying a sly grin. A grin so mischievous that I was scared. I don't know why but I raised my hand without hesitance. "You all will run 5 miles a day and go through this obstacle course 10 times a day. DO YOU HEAR ME??" He screamed. His partner was a woman. She had dark hair and wore a black hoodie with jeans. She had a belt decorated with guns, knives, and a cell phone. She grinned at her apparent boyfriend. We all started running together. After a few days I got to know a few of the other prisoners. Haylee, Mary, Shaldara, Michelle, Iris, Vira, Carla, Hanna, and the youngest...Isabelle. She was Iris' sister. One day we started running on the track. We all stopped at the end when Haylee asked for some water. The woman walked up to her. "Are you seriously asking for water?" She asked glaring at her. Miranda slowly walked to Shaldara and Vira knowing what was coming next. Iris and I walked over to Isabelle covering her eyes. Isabelle was only 7 years old, far too young to see this. "Yes ma'm" She whimpered. The woman grabbed her gun out of anger and shot her. Haylee collapsed to the ground. "You don't get water here. You take what we give you when we give it to you and be quiet!" She yelled. 19 left. Who would make it? I wasn't sure.

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